Master Potter Ministries
by Jill Austin
Awake, Deborah, Awake!
Part 1. Introduction
The body of Christ is in a radical transition time, due to the global shaking that is happening all over the world. The acceleration and advancement of radical Islam throughout the earth, the new surge of power with the Hamas, and the critical dangers that face Israel every single day will only be won on our knees.
Intimacy with God is the highest purpose for which we were created - but are we REALLY seeking His highest purpose for our lives? If we really understood God's love and heart for us, we'd be making radical choices to be with Him more than any other activity in life! If we had a revelation of His true jealousy to have uninterrupted time with us, we'd turn the world upside down like His disciples did!
But instead, we've been lulled to sleep or are enamored with the trinkets of life while missing the real treasures of God. Many believers are experiencing “hope deferred makes the heart sick” so they're leaving the church because they have no passion, no purpose, no power, and no sense of His presence; but they have no secret life in God either! Will it take a crisis to bring us into an intimate relationship with Jesus?
What was it about Deborah that caught His gaze? Her uncompromising dedication moved the very heart of God “and He changed the very heart of Deborah. She spent SO much time in the temple in prayer and worship that she was “dripping with oil”. Because of that, she could hear the Lord's voice clearly, operate with keen discernment for the times and seasons she faced as well as her daily decisions with the people, and when the call to battle came, she was absolutely ready!
Deborah was being prepared for battle in the secret place! This is where the true victory lies - in communing with Him one-on-one. That is our place of safety and truth!
It is time to stop talking about intimacy with God --- it's time to REALLY do it!
Imagine a black teenage girl being elected as Pope and single-handedly tearing down all the walls of division between Catholics and Protestants. Hard to even fathom that possibility isn't it? Now imagine a middle-aged, gray-haired, Jewish housewife and mother being raised up over 3,000 years ago to lead Israel in one of the most improbable military victories of history!
Allow me to introduce to you our unlikely candidate and heroine of the faith: Deborah. I have heard very little being taught about her. I always hear about Gideon, Samuel and some of the other judges, but when I studied Deborah, I fell in love with her. Deborah is very unique and a little controversial because she was a woman who held the highest executive office in the land of Canaan, or Israel, at the time.
An ancient Joan of Ark, Deborah appears in the sacred annals of Israel's history as the nation's 4th judge, the third woman prophetess (after Miriam and Rachel) and a deliver of God's people. Deborah was in a class of her own; her leadership role was unprecedented and unparalleled! She was a woman who led a nation to victory against all odds. And she did this in a patriarchal era where there was no precedent for women leaders.
The whole book of Judges covered approximately 325 years. After the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Joshua and the elders died and the 12 tribes of Israel were separated in the land of Canaan. The tragic pattern of the book of Judges is this: the people went into rebellion; they worshipped other gods and intermarried into pagan tribes.
The Lord brought judgment against them. They cried out to God for deliverance. The Lord would raise up a judge, there would be a battle, Israel would be delivered and peace would be on the land for a season. After the judge died, the people went back to rebellion and the Lord once again brought heavy oppression. This cycle happened six different times!
Gwen Shaw accurately pens in her book, “Deborah and Jael”
Their homes were raided and ransacked, their crops plundered, their maidens raped, their fathers mocked and their sons murdered. People could not walk in the highways any more. They were locked up in their homes, and some even had to forsake their lands and dwellings because the enemy took possession of them. They lived in caves and dens. Their sheep and goats were stolen from them; their harvests were carried off as soon as they were reaped. They lost their olives, dates, figs, grapes, wheat, barley, and their pomegranates. This left them hungry, destitute, and desperate. They throw God out of their schools, laws, their hearts and lives, claiming they don't need him. But when they are in trouble, they wonder where He is, and why he didn't save them and prevent tragedy.
The Lord is so jealous for each one of us to love Him and know Him. When we start to move away from Him, He allows evil kings to oppress us. The Word tells us that God is the one who appoints evil kings and magistrates, but He also raises up the godly judges and kings! Deborah was the fourth judge and for the first 20 years of her 40-year reign, the nation was oppressed by one of history's most powerful and cruel Canaanite Kings, Jabin, and his cunning military commander, Sisera. (Judges 4:1-4)
What is astounding is that the Lord raised up a woman to deliver a nation! What is especially surprising is that it happened in the Middle East thousands of years ago! Deborah was not only a wife, mother, intercessor and prophetess but also a judge and a national deliverer. This is not a bad resume for a middle-aged woman living in that oppressive Middle Eastern culture.
Against great odds, God used her powerfully. Deborah broke outside of her culture but she wasn't in rebellion, she was in obedience -- to her God. She was used radically and set her people free, and the people loved her. It's a wonderful story of faith in God, and it champions men and women partnering together in a war to save their nation from great oppression.
When we read about this radical prophetess and judge, it expands our theology of women being allowed to lead governmentally. But I really feel that God is raising up a company of end-time Deborah's. There is great global shaking that has only begun, and the Lord is calling not only the men, but also the women of God! The Lord is saying, “Wake up, Deborah, be a part of the army of the Lord!”
God's eyes are searching to and fro over the earth looking for a heart that is fully His (2 Chronicles 16:9). What caught His gaze when He came to Deborah? Was it the uncompromising fire of holiness, an unwavering faith or an unrelenting love that set her apart? Was it something about the integrity of her character, the otherworldliness of her wisdom and the richness of her kindness which bred confidence in both men and women?
There are two root words for ‘consecrate’ in Hebrew: naver (separating from) and kadesh (separating unto). Deborah, like the other champions of the faith, was separated from the world and unto God. She did nothing on her own but spoke just what the Father taught her. This is where the true victory lies - in listening to Him.
We tend to think of multi-tasking as a 21st century phenomenon, but Deborah was functioning in five major roles. Let's review them:
Many scholars believe that one of Deborah's roles before becoming judge was being a lamp lighter in the temple. In the Bible, oil is often a symbol for the Holy Spirit. Deborah was married to Lapidoth, whose name means, “to shine, lamp, flame, burning lamp, lightening, torch.” Isn't it interesting? He, too, was a lamp that had oil!
Deborah was a keeper of the oil and light, gingerly tending the lamps. This shows us that she was a woman who was passionately spending long hours dwelling in the temple. She was a woman of prayer and of worship. She lived between two villages, Ramah and Bethel, in Ephramin, which means “the valley of fruitfulness”. Biblical names often have profound prophetic meanings. The ancient village of Ramah was known to be the seat of high adultery. Bethel was known as the house of the Lord with open heavens, where Jacob had his ladder experience in Genesis 28. She stood in the gap interceding between the seat of high idolatry and pagan worship and the house of Bethel with its open heavens.
Now the imagery becomes a little clearer - Deborah was raised up by God to intercede against idolatry (Ramah). She wanted to turn the hearts of the children of Israel back to the house of God (Bethel) to inherit a double portion of fruit (Ephraim).
Deborah's relationship with the Lord was very precious and intensely intimate. I believe that in those twenty years of captivity, Deborah stood in the gap and interceded to change the course of Israel. God promised Abraham, in Genesis 18, that He would save a nation for the sake of ten righteous men. I believe that the righteous prayers of Deborah availed much!
She worshipped and had a deep intercessory life with God. She would go into the temple and fill the lamps with oil and ask God for revelation for people around her in great darkness. She was prepared in this secret place as she stood in the gap in radical intercession for her people and her nation. She would hear from God and would bring down great wisdom and counsel. She spent long hours in the temple. This dedication moved the very heart of God and changed the very heart of Deborah. He led, she followed. She led, Israel followed.
Oftentimes we have the misunderstanding that worship is merely the thirty-minute time slot before the sermon when we sing songs of devotion to God. This is part of worship. But doing small things with great love unto Him is living a life of worship. Deborah was a worshipper who loved the oil of the lamps, Holy Spirit.
We need to be like Deborah, a people of prayer. Sincere and passionate prayer is the key to unlock our relationship with Almighty God. Many struggle with praying because they feel that their intercession is not much more than empty cries to an invisible God who seems so distant. We think that our prayers bounce off the ceiling and back to us unheard and unanswered. But beloved, God loves communing with you! He promises that He will hear you and answer! It takes only a few seconds of a face-to-face encounter with God to change the course of human history for you, your city, or your nation.
In fact, communing with God is the highest purpose for which you were created! “This is eternal life to know Me.” (John 17:3) Our hunger for God is what fuels our prayer life. When His presence is our passion and our hunger is for His heart, we can approach the throne of God boldly with the confidence that our Daddy loves our prayers, but having this first love is so important.
For Deborah, intercession was a dialogue in which He began to download strategic war plans, blue prints from heaven, and keys to “open doors that no man can shut and shut doors that no man can open.” (Isa. 22:22) How else could she wisely judge so many civil cases with the Israelites?
Ehud was the third judge of Israel. After his death, Israel was without a strong leader and once again fell into idolatry and sexual perversion. They were desperately in need of godly leadership. It was the role of the judge to hear and resolve the disputes of the people, but they also attempted to keep the nation from idolatry (Ex.18:20; Judges 2:17), they taught God's Word (Ex. 18:20; Judges 2:17; Isa.12:23), and they interceded for their people (Deut. 9:18-20, 25-29; Deut. 10:10; Isa. 12:23).
The scripture tells us that judges were raised up by God to that office (Judges 2:16). All the judges before and after Deborah were men. So Deborah must have walked in quite an unusual and unique grace to be chosen as both the natural and spiritual leader of Israel. The Word says that she was a judge for 40 years. She held her court sitting under the palm tree, which represents righteousness.
In ancient Israeli culture, there was not the separation of church and state that now exists in our governmental infrastructures. To be appointed as the judge over a nation was equivalent to also being established as the spiritual head over the country. Great responsibility came with great authority. She took care of the civil disputes of men, women and children. We aren't just talking about the little local judge down at your courthouse. We are talking about the executive leader over the whole nation of Israel. She was leading Israel (Judges 4:4-5).
Deborah operated in a heavenly dimension of a spirit of wisdom and revelation. It was almost as if God had supernaturally implanted a divine compass in her, always guiding her to Him. She walked in such dependence upon every move of the Omnipotent One. The judging that Deborah did so well might have been because of her gift as a prophetess. She would have been able to make wise decisions if she “saw” well in the Spirit. Although it isn't certain, many theologians feel that Deborah was from the tribe of Issachar, which means that she knew the times and the seasons. Samuel was the only other judge also listed as a prophet.
In Matthew Henry's Commentary, he writes:
She was a woman of illuminations, or of splendors, one extraordinarily known and wise, and so came to be eminent and illustrious. She was intimately acquainted with God, she was a prophetess, and one that instructed others in divine knowledge by the inspiration of the Spirit of God, and had gifts of wisdom, to which she attained not in an ordinary way; she heard words of God, and she probably saw visions of the Almighty. She was totally devoted to Israel. After Jehovah, Israel was her first love.
Deborah means “bee” or “wasp” or “Queen bee” She was one who would set things in order and bring honey, but also bring the sting of a bee when necessary. A basic principle in spiritual warfare is that our level of attack against the devil must be intimately related to our level of authority and intimacy in our relationship with God.
Deborah was one who received fresh mandates from heaven, and though she knew how evil the oppression of King Jabin was, she also knew that with God anything is possible! Something in Deborah knew how to pull on the resources of heaven, stand in the counsels of the Lord (Jer. 23) and open her mouth and let Him fill it (Psa. 81:10).
Mother of Israel
What made this woman a mother of Israel? Deborah loved well. The Lord must have peered over the balcony of heaven, looked through the lattice of time and watched the way that she so tenderly stopped for the one. Imagine facing the seemingly unending line of people all needing a touch of heaven. I imagine her tired eyes stretched out on the faces of His creation as she felt the ache in their hearts for God. They had come so far, how could they leave empty handed? The eleven other dispersed tribes of Israel walked for miles and literally risked their lives on the dangerous highways as they pushed through to hear from God, through Deborah's voice.
The highways were deserted, and the travelers walked along the byways. Village life ceased, it eased in Israel, until I, Deborah, arose, Arose a mother in Israel. They chose new gods; Then there was war in the gates. (Judges 5:6-8).
I believe that Deborah could hear the groans of the Israelites who were oppressed for 20 years and feel the pounding pain in God's heart over His people's sin and oppression. I believe that it was her ability to hear His heartbeat that allowed her to save a nation in a day. Deborah ruled with the sword of a prophet but the staff of a shepherd -- she truly loved God's people. She always led well. She led by loving.
Deliverer/Military Strategist
Deborah was more than a judge; she was used to deliver Israel from the second longest captivity. As a prophetess and military strategist, she called the nation to war. She was a military strategist who not only wielded the hand of God but also operated with the heart of God. You see, Deborah was a deliverer! She loved the people and they loved her. She delivered them from a great enemy.
The Lord literally dropped a clear prophetic word to summon Barak, the Israeli commander, to rally the rag-tag troops for battle against insurmountable odds. The Hebrews had no weapons -- none. They had all been confiscated by the Canaanites.
The famous historian, Josepheus, writes about the enemy force:
Under the command of his general, Sisera, he had 300,000 footmen, 10,000 horsemen and 900 hundred chariots of iron. These chariots not only controlled the highways and roads of the land, they could be driven through an army of men and with the swords in their wheels, they could cut off the legs of the strongest and bravest of soldiers. They were feared, as tanks are today. The people of Israel had no answer to such deadly weapons of mass destruction, forged in the bowels of hell.
God showed her revelations of how to win the battle. Seeing in the heavens and moving with prophetic proclamations, she released the warrior angels of the Lord to fight ancient demonic principalities. She knew the enemy's schemes and helped to empower the war in the heavens, destroying the enemy. She brought holy reversal to the evil plans. In her moment of crisis, she decreed the Word of the Lord and creation bowed to her command. Her prayers and military governmental leadership shifted the course of history and saved the nation of Israel. When the city gates were at war, Deborah, a mother of Israel who was willing to lay down her life for her God and county, arose.
Deborah sent for Barak and told him the Lord commanded him to take 10,000 men of Naphtali and lead them to Mount Tabor. There the Lord would lure Sisera, the commander of Jabin's army, with his chariots and troops, to the Kishon River and would put him into his hands. Barak was a military commander of Israel. He was a man of war, but he lacked courage. He said, “If you will go with me, I will go! But if you don't go, I won't go!” “Very well,” Deborah said, “I will go with you, but because of the way you are going about this, the honor will not be yours for the Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman.” (Judges 4:9)
He was dealing with heavy oppression and he did not have the faith to go. He needed Deborah to be his salvation or he would not have gotten into place for his calling. How many of you are willing to be Deborah's to help to put the Barak's in place governmentally?
So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh where he summoned Zebulun and Naphtali. Ten thousand men followed them. You see, she gave a prophetic word and it started to launch, shift and change not only Barak's and Israel's destiny, but also her own destiny. It shifted her out of sitting under the palm tree and lighting the lamps in the tabernacle. Suddenly she was getting on a horse and was thrust onto the front lines of the battle.
When we are dealing with this great oppression in the land, when we are crying out for revival, we need to understand that revival and war lock hands. Revival and war are running mates. Our intercession and our prayers tip the bowls of justice from Heaven and fire falls down. When you are crying out for freedom and break-through, you are tipping the bowls in Heaven that contain justice. So on one hand we want to see a mighty outpouring of God to set people free, but when you are crying out desperate prayers of revival and visitation, you are also crying out for God's justice to come. When this happens, you are also bringing war to your families, to your churches and to governmental structures.
Out of their brokenness, they needed a miracle. With 10,000 soldiers, they were going on a suicide mission. But Deborah stood as a prophetic symbol; a signpost as a woman who was weak, but she had the word of God! She had a history of going in and lighting the lamps. She had a history of hearing the voice of God in the secret place. So suddenly when the hour came for her literally to go into war like a Joan of Arc, she was ready. She was in the place to say yes because she knew the voice of her God. She knew she had the living word of her Lord and 10,000 men believed her enough to risk their lives too.
War is on the horizon. God is going to put many of us on the battlefield. Many of us will lose our lives in the years ahead. There will be famines and diseases hitting America. We will be dealing with military police, one world government and tyranny. We are in a season of great warfare, but in the midst of it, will you be like a Deborah where you can hear God's voice and give radical mandates to men, women and children for such an hour as this?
Do you love the Lord so much that when you hear the cries of the suffering and oppressed around you, that you will volunteer to be a mother of Israel? Is there a cry in you that says, “I am willing to stand against sexual pornography, sin and abortion? I am willing to stand in the house of prayer with angels ascending and descending. I will be a woman who will stand in the gap and go before God and cry out in intercession. Lord, we need revival! Lord, we need the Kingdom of God to break in with the resurrection power of life!” This is a call of war! This is a call for you to say that you want to hear the voice of God from the secret place.
Lord, we want to make a fresh holy covenant with You. We want to move as holy revolutionists, but we want to move with purity and humility. We want to be ones that will come out of the secret place and wrestle with a holy desperation and go to the place of war.
The journey of Deborah is a testimony of the power of just ONE life fully set apart for God. May her song be an invitation to you that a revolution can begin -- with one person.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Barbara Yoder - "Minnesota" 2007
Barbara Yoder – prophetic word –
Starting the Year Off Right Conference 2007
Denton, Texas
Mini-soda - there's not much fizz to Minnesota
The Lord says I am going to begin to break forth in Duluth
That you’ve seen it one way - but I am going to burn with a revival fire in Duluth
The Lord says I am going to release fire in Bemidji
And I am going to visit Itasca - the Headwaters of the Mississippi
And the Lord said it shall come from the North down
It shall come from the North over to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Lift up your head oh you gates - gather the prophets
For there shall come a new prophetic wind that the apostles can take and run with
The Lord said I will break the agreement of the Nordic Gods from Scandinavia with the ancient Egyptian thing
They have come into agreement over Minnesota and that is why that Islam thing could get into Congress
So the Lord says open your eyes and see what is behind
God is allowing the spirit of a foreign nation to rise up to open our eyes so that we can go to war
Do not fear the foreign nations being awake in the spirit and the foreign nations antithetic to God
It is for the purposes of God
Read your old testament
God is about ready to literally break structures
Watch Itasca for a backlash
Go there and break the power of Leviathan to strike back
For the tail of leviathan is there
Starting the Year Off Right Conference 2007
Denton, Texas
Mini-soda - there's not much fizz to Minnesota
The Lord says I am going to begin to break forth in Duluth
That you’ve seen it one way - but I am going to burn with a revival fire in Duluth
The Lord says I am going to release fire in Bemidji
And I am going to visit Itasca - the Headwaters of the Mississippi
And the Lord said it shall come from the North down
It shall come from the North over to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Lift up your head oh you gates - gather the prophets
For there shall come a new prophetic wind that the apostles can take and run with
The Lord said I will break the agreement of the Nordic Gods from Scandinavia with the ancient Egyptian thing
They have come into agreement over Minnesota and that is why that Islam thing could get into Congress
So the Lord says open your eyes and see what is behind
God is allowing the spirit of a foreign nation to rise up to open our eyes so that we can go to war
Do not fear the foreign nations being awake in the spirit and the foreign nations antithetic to God
It is for the purposes of God
Read your old testament
God is about ready to literally break structures
Watch Itasca for a backlash
Go there and break the power of Leviathan to strike back
For the tail of leviathan is there
Kristin & Dan Walch, Duluth Prayer Walk Report
Duluth Prayer Walk Report
Kristin & Dan Walch
Arrowhead Region Coordinators,
Minnesota Apostolic Prayer Network
This is an update about our Journey to prayer walk every street in the City of Duluth.
Many of you have prayed and interceded for us during this journey and we want to express our deepest thanks and gratitude! We have now walked a total of about 520 miles of streets over about 2 ½ years time. We finished with the last section on Thursday April 21, 2011. And as we finished it was clear that God had been keeping us in HIS timing all along. We had planned on finishing earlier, but weather and other factors kept us from it. Then we realized that we would be finishing right during the middle of 2011 PASSOVER – a time when God historically showed His Glory and Power. We sensed that it was significant and God was saying that Duluth (we feel it extends to a broader region) is escaping out of the old “Captivity”. By the blood of the Lamb we are passing our from under death into a new season and a New Promised Destiny for this territory! We believe we are truly starting to see Breakthrough!
When God asks you to do something like prayer walk over 500 miles of City Streets, you may wonder - Why? But we knew it was not our place to question it – only to obey. All we have to do is look at the old Testament prophets like Jeremiah and Ezekiel to see the strange things God sometimes asks His people to do. Or just ask John HalvorsenJ In the doing, we saw God do some amazing things along the way. We experienced some supernatural signs that only could be God, and were encouraged as we literally stormed the gates of Hell to war for this City and territory. And we know that God is moving mightily here. And as in most things God asks us to do, we “grew” also in the process ourselves. We continue to believe that God is raising up the Twin Ports Territory for mighty things in days ahead. We have been declaring over it (as God gave us the prophetic words) that it “IS a Holy and Righteous Gateway to the World”.
There is so much more that we could talk about, but maybe some time in the future will have opportunity to share more. We have known from the beginning that when we were done walking the streets of Duluth, that God wanted us to walk around the entire perimeter (We figure about 70 miles total) to seal and declare that this is HIS territory. It is His plan – not just something that sounded good to us. We have sensed also that that was to be something that others would join with us in doing – as a sign of unity that the body of Christ in this area is committed to transforming this territory for the Kingdom of God. All moves of revival are preceded by prayer and warfare. If we don’t kick the enemy out of a territory first, then true revival may not be able to take root! Please be in prayer about the timing for this and about joining with us, even if you are not from Duluth. Let us know if this is something you and/or your church would be interested in being a part of. We believe God is looking for a unified Body of Christ to make a stand together to accomplish what HE wants for this territory.
Blessings to you all,
Dan and Kristin Walch
Kristin & Dan Walch
Arrowhead Region Coordinators,
Minnesota Apostolic Prayer Network
This is an update about our Journey to prayer walk every street in the City of Duluth.
Many of you have prayed and interceded for us during this journey and we want to express our deepest thanks and gratitude! We have now walked a total of about 520 miles of streets over about 2 ½ years time. We finished with the last section on Thursday April 21, 2011. And as we finished it was clear that God had been keeping us in HIS timing all along. We had planned on finishing earlier, but weather and other factors kept us from it. Then we realized that we would be finishing right during the middle of 2011 PASSOVER – a time when God historically showed His Glory and Power. We sensed that it was significant and God was saying that Duluth (we feel it extends to a broader region) is escaping out of the old “Captivity”. By the blood of the Lamb we are passing our from under death into a new season and a New Promised Destiny for this territory! We believe we are truly starting to see Breakthrough!
When God asks you to do something like prayer walk over 500 miles of City Streets, you may wonder - Why? But we knew it was not our place to question it – only to obey. All we have to do is look at the old Testament prophets like Jeremiah and Ezekiel to see the strange things God sometimes asks His people to do. Or just ask John HalvorsenJ In the doing, we saw God do some amazing things along the way. We experienced some supernatural signs that only could be God, and were encouraged as we literally stormed the gates of Hell to war for this City and territory. And we know that God is moving mightily here. And as in most things God asks us to do, we “grew” also in the process ourselves. We continue to believe that God is raising up the Twin Ports Territory for mighty things in days ahead. We have been declaring over it (as God gave us the prophetic words) that it “IS a Holy and Righteous Gateway to the World”.
There is so much more that we could talk about, but maybe some time in the future will have opportunity to share more. We have known from the beginning that when we were done walking the streets of Duluth, that God wanted us to walk around the entire perimeter (We figure about 70 miles total) to seal and declare that this is HIS territory. It is His plan – not just something that sounded good to us. We have sensed also that that was to be something that others would join with us in doing – as a sign of unity that the body of Christ in this area is committed to transforming this territory for the Kingdom of God. All moves of revival are preceded by prayer and warfare. If we don’t kick the enemy out of a territory first, then true revival may not be able to take root! Please be in prayer about the timing for this and about joining with us, even if you are not from Duluth. Let us know if this is something you and/or your church would be interested in being a part of. We believe God is looking for a unified Body of Christ to make a stand together to accomplish what HE wants for this territory.
Blessings to you all,
Dan and Kristin Walch
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Chuck Pierce - Understanding the Angelic Highway - 2011
Understanding the Angelic Highway
Chuck Pierce
After our service, we knew that we needed to teach on the agreement that is needed between Heaven and Earth, and how partnering with the Lord's angelic army opens the way before us. Just over a week ago, the Spirit of the Lord began to stir and I began to prophecy:
The Lords would say "I have a holy array but you are used to one type of cadence and I have another type of cadence. When you come into this order that I am bringing into the earth now, you will move in a way that the military of the earth does not understand. You'll move in a way that nations have used to come into alignment. You'll move in a way that causes hidden supply to rise to the surface. You'll move your feet with a different beat and in that movement I will create new highways."
Anne Tate continued: We are moving into a time when there is a new river of timing as we move to the now time. In generations past we have moved according to what the Church has said, but this is a time when you will apprehend the now moment and begin to move in that. The angelic highway is connected to the now moment. As you do that you intersect with the angelic on your way. Other nations will look and say, 'What is it they know? What are they predicting? As they are moving, how are they moving in such an array with everything flowing?' The Lord says, "This is a river of time I am sending!"
We want to see the angelic highway established so that Heaven and Earth can connect in a way to establish the Lord's plans.
Chuck Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries
Chuck Pierce
After our service, we knew that we needed to teach on the agreement that is needed between Heaven and Earth, and how partnering with the Lord's angelic army opens the way before us. Just over a week ago, the Spirit of the Lord began to stir and I began to prophecy:
The Lords would say "I have a holy array but you are used to one type of cadence and I have another type of cadence. When you come into this order that I am bringing into the earth now, you will move in a way that the military of the earth does not understand. You'll move in a way that nations have used to come into alignment. You'll move in a way that causes hidden supply to rise to the surface. You'll move your feet with a different beat and in that movement I will create new highways."
Anne Tate continued: We are moving into a time when there is a new river of timing as we move to the now time. In generations past we have moved according to what the Church has said, but this is a time when you will apprehend the now moment and begin to move in that. The angelic highway is connected to the now moment. As you do that you intersect with the angelic on your way. Other nations will look and say, 'What is it they know? What are they predicting? As they are moving, how are they moving in such an array with everything flowing?' The Lord says, "This is a river of time I am sending!"
We want to see the angelic highway established so that Heaven and Earth can connect in a way to establish the Lord's plans.
Chuck Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Cindy Jacobs, North Heights Lutheran (2001)
Cindy Jacobs
Prophetic Word - 2001
North Heights Lutheran
There’s going to be revival among the youth. God has marked youth for this time and season. Not only to change this city, but to change this nation. The young people are revolutionaries – young men and women that God wants to use. There is going to be revival in the high schools of Minnesota, not just Minneapolis – young firebrands that love God, that pray, that are passionate. Many, many young people will come to the Lord until the stadiums are full of youth here in Minnesota, worshipping God and proclaiming God. It will affect Wisconsin and all the areas around. There will be a call upon the youth to answer the call of God and go to the nations.
God will do a work in the women and many women will be raised up and God will use them in a very, very special way through this intercession movement and as watchmen on the wall. There’s going to be a move of the Holy Spirit that people will say, “look among the nations and be astonished.”
One of the churches that my husband Mike and I have preached at in Bogota, Columbia, is one of the fastest growing churches in the world. They have 30,000 cell groups. When I preach there it is in a stadium and they can’t get everyone in. They had to un-invite the youth because there were 10,000 of them. They didn’t fit in the stadium with all the adults so they stayed on the outside interceding and had their own services.
Some of your children who are prodigals, God is going to shake up. God is going to visit them. Maybe you’ve been praying a long time for a son or daughter or father or brother. The Holy Spirit will move in dramatic ways upon these people’s lives. Some of you have wept and fasted and prayed, and you haven’t seen a change. But you will see it change. This is the day of household salvations. Some of you have heavy hearts. I want to tell you, god is faithful. You will see your household come to the Lord.
Also, the Lord is going to move in a prayer movement here. You’re going to see watchmen on the wall.
Many people will come to pray from around the world. This will be a place of reconciliation where people from the nations come, red, and yellow, brown. You’re going to see a children’s prayer revival. You’re going to see 6 year olds getting on their faces and crying out to God. This is a hallmark of revival. In one church in Argentina where I preached, the children from ages 6 – 12 prayed 5 hours in the park for the service that night! And the power of the Holy Spirit swept into the park.
The Lord showed me that many have been going through almost a Job experience. You are going through difficult, difficult times. You’ve had financial loss and things have happened to you that you don’t understand. Well, you’re going to come out of that time and God is going to bring great blessing to you. Some of you have lost everything, but remember the end of Job’s days, he got back double and you’re going to do that.
Hab. 2:4 “Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in him, but the just shall live by faith”.
God is bringing the Body of Christ into a new season of brokenness. I don’t know about you, but God is speaking to me and I need to have a contrite heart, to be broken before Him. You know pride is kind of like bad breath, you’re the last one to know that you have it. But God is very creative in how He shows you that you have this problem. Even though it seems like you may be going through a crushing time, I want to assure you that you will live through it. Out of that brokenness will come a sweet perfume. A hallmark of this move and visitation of the Holy Spirit will be humility. And so allow God to do that work and trust that He’s going to bring you through to a new day.
Prophetic Word - 2001
North Heights Lutheran
There’s going to be revival among the youth. God has marked youth for this time and season. Not only to change this city, but to change this nation. The young people are revolutionaries – young men and women that God wants to use. There is going to be revival in the high schools of Minnesota, not just Minneapolis – young firebrands that love God, that pray, that are passionate. Many, many young people will come to the Lord until the stadiums are full of youth here in Minnesota, worshipping God and proclaiming God. It will affect Wisconsin and all the areas around. There will be a call upon the youth to answer the call of God and go to the nations.
God will do a work in the women and many women will be raised up and God will use them in a very, very special way through this intercession movement and as watchmen on the wall. There’s going to be a move of the Holy Spirit that people will say, “look among the nations and be astonished.”
One of the churches that my husband Mike and I have preached at in Bogota, Columbia, is one of the fastest growing churches in the world. They have 30,000 cell groups. When I preach there it is in a stadium and they can’t get everyone in. They had to un-invite the youth because there were 10,000 of them. They didn’t fit in the stadium with all the adults so they stayed on the outside interceding and had their own services.
Some of your children who are prodigals, God is going to shake up. God is going to visit them. Maybe you’ve been praying a long time for a son or daughter or father or brother. The Holy Spirit will move in dramatic ways upon these people’s lives. Some of you have wept and fasted and prayed, and you haven’t seen a change. But you will see it change. This is the day of household salvations. Some of you have heavy hearts. I want to tell you, god is faithful. You will see your household come to the Lord.
Also, the Lord is going to move in a prayer movement here. You’re going to see watchmen on the wall.
Many people will come to pray from around the world. This will be a place of reconciliation where people from the nations come, red, and yellow, brown. You’re going to see a children’s prayer revival. You’re going to see 6 year olds getting on their faces and crying out to God. This is a hallmark of revival. In one church in Argentina where I preached, the children from ages 6 – 12 prayed 5 hours in the park for the service that night! And the power of the Holy Spirit swept into the park.
The Lord showed me that many have been going through almost a Job experience. You are going through difficult, difficult times. You’ve had financial loss and things have happened to you that you don’t understand. Well, you’re going to come out of that time and God is going to bring great blessing to you. Some of you have lost everything, but remember the end of Job’s days, he got back double and you’re going to do that.
Hab. 2:4 “Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in him, but the just shall live by faith”.
God is bringing the Body of Christ into a new season of brokenness. I don’t know about you, but God is speaking to me and I need to have a contrite heart, to be broken before Him. You know pride is kind of like bad breath, you’re the last one to know that you have it. But God is very creative in how He shows you that you have this problem. Even though it seems like you may be going through a crushing time, I want to assure you that you will live through it. Out of that brokenness will come a sweet perfume. A hallmark of this move and visitation of the Holy Spirit will be humility. And so allow God to do that work and trust that He’s going to bring you through to a new day.
Jeff Jansen, Five Angles and Five Highways of Revival (2009)
Five Angels and Five Highways of Revival
by Jeff Jansen
The Five Angels
While ministering in San Diego recently, the Lord revealed to me five angels that have been released in North America to bring revival fires to key cities. These five angels will be moving along five key highways that crisscross the United States. These highways will be known as Revival Highways.
Bob Jones had a visitation several years ago from an angel named Breakthrough Revival. This angel had 11 other resurrection angels with him and he told Bob he had been sent to the States to prepare America for the greatest revival she had ever seen. This angel told Bob that he had previously been assigned to a man by the name of Benson Idahosa from Nigeria, but he had now come to the States. This angel said that stadiums would not be able to hold the masses of people and they would have to go to the open fields. The angel said to Bob, "Tell the people three words, 'MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!' We'll be moving with those that move in the things of God."
The angels of God are looking for the sons and daughters of the Kingdom to start decreeing and moving in faith. As we begin to speak as God's authority on the earth, all of Heaven will come to back our words. The angels are being released to facilitate the will of God on the earth.
The five angels that have been released are: Breakthrough Revival, Winds of Change, Healing Revival, Great Grace, and Wisdom. I've encountered each of these angels over the past few years in key meetings as we've ministered and brought a powerful release of revelation, miracles, signs, and wonders. Each time I've seen them, it's been in meetings located directly off of major interstates and intersections in North America. The five main revival highways are not exclusive in themselves as revival fires will burn all across the United States, but the places I've seen these angels move have been off of these key highways:
The 5 Highways of Revival
1. Interstate 5 runs along the West Coast from San Diego to Canada.
I saw major explosions of the glory of God and revival fires burning in San Diego, Santa Ana, Anaheim, Fullerton, Pasadena, and all throughout Los Angeles and the surrounding regions, and Stockton, Sacramento and Redding; into Medford, Grants Pass, Eugene, and Portland, Oregon; and into Vancouver and Seattle, Washington; and also Vancouver, B.C.
Last year while ministering in Grants Pass, Oregon, I saw the angel Winds of Change moving up and down I-5. This angel was the angel that sparked revival in Lakeland just a few months later.
2. I then saw Interstate 95 on the East Coast, running from Maine to Miami, pelted with fires of revival.
The cities that stood out were Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Daytona Beach, Jacksonville, Savannah, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Newark, and all throughout New York City; also New Haven, Connecticut and Providence, Rhode Island. I saw a massive fire in Boston on the cross roads of the east where 90 and 95 meet.
Last year I had a visitation from the Lord Himself in January as we were starting off the year at the Boston Cross Roads Glory conference. The Lord came to me during the worship service and handed me two stones—one red and the other green. He said to me, "Jeff, this nation has seen the natural government established here in Boston, but now they are going to see My government established here in the States."
The Lord then said, "See, Jeff, My government is upon My shoulders."
The stones the Lord had given me were the Urim and the Thummim which were placed upon the shoulders of the High Priest. In the Old Testament, these stones would determine the precise will of God in every situation. Jesus is the Head and we are His Body and carry His government in the earth! Boston will burn with a fire so hot that they will come from the nations of the earth to behold the glory of God.
3. I saw Interstate 90/94 running from Boston to Seattle.
Along it I saw cities like Albany and Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo, New York. I saw Cleveland and Toledo, Ohio; and Chicago and Milwaukee, Madison and the Fox River Valley in Wisconsin; Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Fargo, North Dakota; I saw Billings, Montana; Spokane and Seattle, Washington—all burning with different levels and degrees of the glory of God.
4. I saw Interstate 10 running from Jacksonville, Florida, to Los Angeles, California.
Along this revival highway I saw Tallahassee, Florida and Mobile, Alabama. Houston and San Antonio, Texas were burning with an intense heat. Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona to L.A. were all ablaze with glory fire. I believe many cities will have invitations to host the presence and the spirit of revival, but only some will receive.
5. Lastly, I saw Interstate 40 running through the middle of the United States.
Bob Jones had seen a similar vision last year and called it the "40 Revival Highway." In this vision, I saw a similar thing with key regions overrun with angelic activity and explosions of the power and glory of God.
Starting on the East Coast I saw Raleigh, Greensboro and Asheville, North Carolina, engulfed in flames. Knoxville and Nashville were some of the brightest revival flames burning on the map, as raw hunger would be the fuel that would feed these revivals. Memphis, Little Rock, Oklahoma City, Albuquerque, and back to Los Angeles, were aflame.
The Lord also revealed to me other circuitry that would work within these revival highways and spark new life into regions as Heaven invaded in days to come. The Lord showed me what He called the "Topeka Triangle" that runs from Topeka, Kansas, to Houston, Texas; then up the I-10 through Phoenix to L.A.; and then back to Topeka forming a revival triangle. Topeka was key to the Azusa Street Revival.
by Jeff Jansen
The Five Angels
While ministering in San Diego recently, the Lord revealed to me five angels that have been released in North America to bring revival fires to key cities. These five angels will be moving along five key highways that crisscross the United States. These highways will be known as Revival Highways.
Bob Jones had a visitation several years ago from an angel named Breakthrough Revival. This angel had 11 other resurrection angels with him and he told Bob he had been sent to the States to prepare America for the greatest revival she had ever seen. This angel told Bob that he had previously been assigned to a man by the name of Benson Idahosa from Nigeria, but he had now come to the States. This angel said that stadiums would not be able to hold the masses of people and they would have to go to the open fields. The angel said to Bob, "Tell the people three words, 'MOVE, MOVE, MOVE!' We'll be moving with those that move in the things of God."
The angels of God are looking for the sons and daughters of the Kingdom to start decreeing and moving in faith. As we begin to speak as God's authority on the earth, all of Heaven will come to back our words. The angels are being released to facilitate the will of God on the earth.
The five angels that have been released are: Breakthrough Revival, Winds of Change, Healing Revival, Great Grace, and Wisdom. I've encountered each of these angels over the past few years in key meetings as we've ministered and brought a powerful release of revelation, miracles, signs, and wonders. Each time I've seen them, it's been in meetings located directly off of major interstates and intersections in North America. The five main revival highways are not exclusive in themselves as revival fires will burn all across the United States, but the places I've seen these angels move have been off of these key highways:
The 5 Highways of Revival
1. Interstate 5 runs along the West Coast from San Diego to Canada.
I saw major explosions of the glory of God and revival fires burning in San Diego, Santa Ana, Anaheim, Fullerton, Pasadena, and all throughout Los Angeles and the surrounding regions, and Stockton, Sacramento and Redding; into Medford, Grants Pass, Eugene, and Portland, Oregon; and into Vancouver and Seattle, Washington; and also Vancouver, B.C.
Last year while ministering in Grants Pass, Oregon, I saw the angel Winds of Change moving up and down I-5. This angel was the angel that sparked revival in Lakeland just a few months later.
2. I then saw Interstate 95 on the East Coast, running from Maine to Miami, pelted with fires of revival.
The cities that stood out were Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Daytona Beach, Jacksonville, Savannah, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Newark, and all throughout New York City; also New Haven, Connecticut and Providence, Rhode Island. I saw a massive fire in Boston on the cross roads of the east where 90 and 95 meet.
Last year I had a visitation from the Lord Himself in January as we were starting off the year at the Boston Cross Roads Glory conference. The Lord came to me during the worship service and handed me two stones—one red and the other green. He said to me, "Jeff, this nation has seen the natural government established here in Boston, but now they are going to see My government established here in the States."
The Lord then said, "See, Jeff, My government is upon My shoulders."
The stones the Lord had given me were the Urim and the Thummim which were placed upon the shoulders of the High Priest. In the Old Testament, these stones would determine the precise will of God in every situation. Jesus is the Head and we are His Body and carry His government in the earth! Boston will burn with a fire so hot that they will come from the nations of the earth to behold the glory of God.
3. I saw Interstate 90/94 running from Boston to Seattle.
Along it I saw cities like Albany and Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo, New York. I saw Cleveland and Toledo, Ohio; and Chicago and Milwaukee, Madison and the Fox River Valley in Wisconsin; Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Fargo, North Dakota; I saw Billings, Montana; Spokane and Seattle, Washington—all burning with different levels and degrees of the glory of God.
4. I saw Interstate 10 running from Jacksonville, Florida, to Los Angeles, California.
Along this revival highway I saw Tallahassee, Florida and Mobile, Alabama. Houston and San Antonio, Texas were burning with an intense heat. Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona to L.A. were all ablaze with glory fire. I believe many cities will have invitations to host the presence and the spirit of revival, but only some will receive.
5. Lastly, I saw Interstate 40 running through the middle of the United States.
Bob Jones had seen a similar vision last year and called it the "40 Revival Highway." In this vision, I saw a similar thing with key regions overrun with angelic activity and explosions of the power and glory of God.
Starting on the East Coast I saw Raleigh, Greensboro and Asheville, North Carolina, engulfed in flames. Knoxville and Nashville were some of the brightest revival flames burning on the map, as raw hunger would be the fuel that would feed these revivals. Memphis, Little Rock, Oklahoma City, Albuquerque, and back to Los Angeles, were aflame.
The Lord also revealed to me other circuitry that would work within these revival highways and spark new life into regions as Heaven invaded in days to come. The Lord showed me what He called the "Topeka Triangle" that runs from Topeka, Kansas, to Houston, Texas; then up the I-10 through Phoenix to L.A.; and then back to Topeka forming a revival triangle. Topeka was key to the Azusa Street Revival.
Minnesota Agenda 21 Seminar - Feb. 27, 2012
Feb 27, 2012
by Karen Krueger
February 18th Minnesota held a one-day seminar focused on Agenda 21 with 35 in attendance. Sandra Roesner and Deb Lehr prepared a teaching with an excellent power point. I observed that as we addressed a prevailing issue that is sending up red flags in our communities & states it is causing us to look at the whole nation. This is also generating a passion to pray. People respond to having a ‘cause’. Because of our emotional make up the ‘cause’ ignites passion and we “activate” prayer.
We had 3 young adults who shared from their generation’s perspective. It was powerful. As we listened I saw that part of the “gap” between generations has happened as children were convinced to not listen to the instruction and wisdom of their parents. Instead they were fed humanism and anti-christ fundamentals to base their thoughts and decisions on. A disconnect between generations has happened because of this agenda to usurp the role of parent.
The people attending were asking and want to know what the solution is to the situation of Agenda 21. We admitted that we do not have a solution. What we do have is the call to prayer. The National prayer networks are working together to mobilize this nation to prayer. Prayer is what we have and prayer is the best solution. We need to stand together in prayer, in alignment with the word of God to see this nation shift at every level.
The next thing that we discussed is the need to know what Christians can do to actually make a difference in the world around them. Once we have hit the issue with prayer we can expect to see the Lord open a door that we can step through and be a voice that will bring influence in our society.
I believe that Agenda 21 has so infiltrated our culture that it well may be the thing that compels people to prayer activation. We need to keep exposing this insidious venom that has so altered our everyday life. We need to combat this with what the Biblical Worldview says and directly expose Agenda 21 as a strategy to take our freedoms away and decrease our population.
We hope to appoint someone to the focus of Agenda 21 in Minnesota.
Feb 27, 2012
by Karen Krueger
February 18th Minnesota held a one-day seminar focused on Agenda 21 with 35 in attendance. Sandra Roesner and Deb Lehr prepared a teaching with an excellent power point. I observed that as we addressed a prevailing issue that is sending up red flags in our communities & states it is causing us to look at the whole nation. This is also generating a passion to pray. People respond to having a ‘cause’. Because of our emotional make up the ‘cause’ ignites passion and we “activate” prayer.
We had 3 young adults who shared from their generation’s perspective. It was powerful. As we listened I saw that part of the “gap” between generations has happened as children were convinced to not listen to the instruction and wisdom of their parents. Instead they were fed humanism and anti-christ fundamentals to base their thoughts and decisions on. A disconnect between generations has happened because of this agenda to usurp the role of parent.
The people attending were asking and want to know what the solution is to the situation of Agenda 21. We admitted that we do not have a solution. What we do have is the call to prayer. The National prayer networks are working together to mobilize this nation to prayer. Prayer is what we have and prayer is the best solution. We need to stand together in prayer, in alignment with the word of God to see this nation shift at every level.
The next thing that we discussed is the need to know what Christians can do to actually make a difference in the world around them. Once we have hit the issue with prayer we can expect to see the Lord open a door that we can step through and be a voice that will bring influence in our society.
I believe that Agenda 21 has so infiltrated our culture that it well may be the thing that compels people to prayer activation. We need to keep exposing this insidious venom that has so altered our everyday life. We need to combat this with what the Biblical Worldview says and directly expose Agenda 21 as a strategy to take our freedoms away and decrease our population.
We hope to appoint someone to the focus of Agenda 21 in Minnesota.
Cindy Jacobs - Deborah Company (July 25, 2009)
Cindy Jacobs - prophetic word
Deborah Company Midwest Convocation
Bloomington, Minnesota
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Father, we thank you for Minnesota and what you want to do, what you want to shift, and the changes that you want to make. So I want to speak to you (Minnesota) and challenge you prophetically about the state and the things I see. . . where we are, a little bit where you are going, and the call that God is giving to you.
Minnesota you are what I would call a 'hinge of history'.
A hinge of history is a strategic moment, when a door of opportunity opens that releases the destiny of God for a generation. This strategic moment causes an awakening to purpose and an awakening to destiny for whole cities, states and nations.
The hinges of a door is what bears the weight for the opening.
And so what I see in this state is that God is raising up people, that for whatever purpose, in education, government and the family, arts, media, whatever it is . . . God has given you an anointing to bear the weight of the door so that it can swing open.
And this is a great responsibility to be a hinge of history.
If you think about it - the greatest stress on a door is on those hinges - so it is very important to see that God is calling out what I would call to be the forerunners - those that bear the weight for this door's opening.
And I have a word of prophecy for Firestarters -
And the Lord says "I have called you to be this hinge of history." And the Lord says "I am calling you now out of this wilderness season. You have been in your season of preparation, but now a door of opportunity is getting ready to open that will give you National and International visibility," says the Lord. "I am getting ready to shoot you like a flaming arrow into the Nation," says God. "I am getting ready to do a new thing with you."
The Lord says, "you are going to be a place of habitation." The Lord says, "I have called you to be a city builder. And this site of Ottertail," God says, "is going to be a magnet that draws people in - as you go out they're gonna come in," says the Lord. And the Lord says "begin to buy property around Ottertail because the price of that real estate is going to become a treasure,".
And God says, "I'm going to bring my most anointed people there. Not only for the arts, but for film. I am going to begin to release the anointing to make films. I am going to bring young filmmakers." And the Lord says that "Minnesota is going to begin to make movies."
"I am going to thrust you in as the 'eye' of the Body of Christ," says the Lord. "I have given you a seer anointing to see and peer into the future."
The Lord says, "Minnesota you are a state of Awakening and Reformation! Minnesota you are a state that is called to Awaken the rest of America. I am giving you an anointing to be a voice crying in the wilderness - prepare the way of the Lord!" Amen.
God is raising up an army out of Minnesota.
Wallace says it like this - "Above the incessant noise of human activity we have heard the sound of marching that tells us God is on the move. God is on the move in Minnesota.
Maybe you can't see it yet but there is a great rumbling - there is an underground rumbling - there is a sound of shaking in the ground and God is getting ready to cause, to emerge, seemingly from nowhere, a greater army than was in the Jesus People movement.
God is raising up an army of those that are Jesus Freaks, that are passionate for the Lord Jesus Christ, and they're going to awaken the nation. Whoa!
God is getting ready to release power, and anointing and miracles through Minnesota like we have not seen in this generation.
Wallace also says it like this - "when this happens it is God revealing himself to man in awful holiness, an irresistible power. It is such a manifest working of God that the human personalities are overshadowed, and human programs abandoned, it is man retiring into the background because God has taken the field. It the Lord making bear his arm and working in extraordinary power in Saint and Sinner alike."
That's why we are calling "Awake, Minnesota!" "Wake up!" "Wake up!" "Wake up!"
Isaiah 52:1
1 Awake, awake!
Put on your strength, O Zion;
And then all of a sudden the prophet is prophesying to a city.
Can we prophesy to cities today?
It is entirely Biblical for us to do that.
1 Awake, awake!
Put on your strength, O (Minnesota);
Put on your beautiful garments,
O (Minneapolis, O St. Paul, O Duluth, O Ottertail, O Bemidji, or wherever you live.)
Holy cities!
Shake yourself from the dust
Red Rock
How many of you have heard about the revival at Red Rock that preceded Azusa Street. There was a revival - Red Rock Revival - that preceded Azusa Street. And it's very interesting - I was talking to Dr. Peter Wagner about this. We really did not know until some Fuller theological student actually did research on this that there were revivals with the gifts of the Holy Spirit that pre-dated Azusa Street in America. And it did here in Minnesota. So this is very remarkable that there would be a move of God here. Why? You're a forerunner state - are you getting this? - You're a revival state, you’re a first fruits state.
Alright - now who preached at this revival. Interestingly enough a woman named Amanda Smith. I wrote about Amanda Smith in my book Woman of Destiny. Amanda Smith was an X-slave. She was part of the Methodist Revival which took place from 1837 until 1950. She was born a slave in Maryland and had previously worked as a scrub woman.
She was an unusual sight in Post-Civil War America - a black woman evangelist and a slave - transversing north and south - preaching to all races and then spending 14 years evangelizing in England, India and Africa - She was part of the Holiness Movement. Her own denomination would not ordain her but that didn’t seem to daunt her any.
So in God's purposes Amanda Smith spoke in 1874 in the Red Rock Revival.
You (Minnesota) are anointed to break the spirit of racism over American!
Isn't that Good News? Not only that - 'the gender barrier' -because women preached at Red Rock.
Women who participated in the Red Rock Meetings had great influence. The Methodists had a tradition of enabling women to speak, preach, teach and minister throughout the denomination. This was evident in that the Methodist Church in Minnesota appointed women to preach and minister throughout rural areas that lacked ministers. Historic records show that 36 women preached in Methodist churches since 1920 and another 17 women preached in The United Brethern donmination.
You are called to break the 'gender barrier'.
You are called to break the 'race barrier'.
You are called to tip the scales of government.
You are called to a 'great awakening'.
The Red Rock Camp Meetings influenced political outcomes of the times. Many candidates were allowed to speak from the Red Rock Platform. Including Rev. Daniel Cobb a candidate for the prohibition party in 1869. Gubernatorial candidates such as W.W. Satterly in 1879.
Out of the Red Rock sprung reform clubs with members pledging to vote the temperance ticket. Those involved had no fear of engaging their faith with their political views and beliefs. And they were not inhibited in expressing the conjunction between their faith and political values as often seen today.
Wake Up America!
In conclusion the Red Rock Revival welcomed all nationalities. God used the Red Rock Revival to empower women to lead missions and political clubs. It engaged heavily, politically. Churches in Minnesota have also been known to take this banner up to be engaged.
The political arena through their involvement is what we can see in what is inscribed in the Minnesota State Capitol - "The Voice of the people is the voice of God!"
Is that in your Capitol? That is amazing! Wow!
"The voice of the people is the voice of God"
You know I don't live in Minnesota - but God lives in Minnesota!
And you (Minnesota) were called to reform this Nation!
You have a Michele Bachmann. You have leaders that are here. You have leaders that will run. You have Mayor Stephanie. You know what? God wants us to rise up and change the nation.
Of our Native women that God has brought here to change reservations. We are red, yellow, brown, black and white. We are a Holy Nation people. And we love America. And we want to see a great reformation.
And the Lord says that I am calling you to a fast that is a fast that doesn't stop.
Every day there must be someone fasting for your state.
The Lord says I am calling you to put a stake in the ground and stand. And upon that stake is righteousness and justice. The Lord says don't look and say it's somebody else's job. Because God says it's your job.
Now Lord, anoint! Anoint these men and women. Anoint them Father God! No excuses.
The Lord says - God is going to do a new thing. He is going to raise up a generation of men and women. The Lord says you're going to be informed, you're going to know what to do.
The Lord says, "Minnesota, I am going to shift your state Legislature." I am going to give some change of addresses. I'm going to take some people out. And I'm going to put some people in.
And the Lord says "Minnesota will be a pro-life state."
Change the addresses God!
The Lord says - look to the Southern part of Minnesota. I am going to do a work in the South of this State. I am going to sweep it with my Glory. There is going to be a move of the Holy Spirit in the south.
Look to the Reservations for I am going to bring miracles, and signs and wonders to the reservations. I'm going to raise up women evangelists. I'm going to raise up a young generation of young native women. And they're going to preach like fire. They're going to be fire women. Fire women!
The Lord says you have prayed for North Minneapolis, now pray for South Minneapolis. For even as I have taken the crime rate down in North Minneapolis, I will do it in South Minneapolis, says the Lord.
And the Lord says, Jariland, even as you have a prayer center in the North - you're going to have one in the South as well. I'm going to "twin" you says the Lord. And I'm going to raise up another woman and she's going to take the point.
And the Lord says I am also going to begin to bring a revival in the Wicca community of St. Paul. I am gonna move.
Close your eyes.
What is the Lord saying to you.
The Lord is saying "The voice of the people is the voice of God!"
Every one of you have a voice. You have a voice. Ask God what you can do.
The Lord shows me that some people in this room - God has been dealing with you about running for office - and you have been dragging your feet. And the Lord says "I am calling you! Whom shall I send and who will go?"
The Lord says "say yes!" This is your confirmation. You've said Lord - you will have to speak to me - and the Lord says "I am speaking to you!"
"I am speaking to you!"
You have asked the Lord about what will happen to your business. The Lord says "Make my business, your business!"
The Lord shows me that there are some of the Native Women here - you're going to be able to get on your Tribal Councils - the Lord says that he is going to begin to release a Godly anointing into Tribal Councils.
CathyJo and Dan (Severson)
The Lord says to you man & woman of God.
The Lord says that you are called to this state for such a time as this. It has been really hard but God says I will make your forehead like flint.
God says I will put my words in your mouth - because Dan I have called you like Jeremiah - I have called you from your mother's womb. You were given the name Daniel for this day and this hour. And the Lord says I'm going to open up a Cyrus who is going to begin to open up funding. You will be a voice for the unborn. I call you to be a father to the unborn children, says the Lord.
I am going to show what to do and how to do it. This day I give you favor as your treasure. You are going to be able to say outrageous things and still have favor. I'm going to give you favor - I'm going to make you Teflon.
CathyJo you are to raise up a greater prayer army. I have called you to be a warrior woman. The Lord says you must build a thicker wall. You must build a wall. For I have called the two of you to be like Nehemiah. To build the wall says the Lord
Deborah Company Midwest Convocation
Bloomington, Minnesota
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Father, we thank you for Minnesota and what you want to do, what you want to shift, and the changes that you want to make. So I want to speak to you (Minnesota) and challenge you prophetically about the state and the things I see. . . where we are, a little bit where you are going, and the call that God is giving to you.
Minnesota you are what I would call a 'hinge of history'.
A hinge of history is a strategic moment, when a door of opportunity opens that releases the destiny of God for a generation. This strategic moment causes an awakening to purpose and an awakening to destiny for whole cities, states and nations.
The hinges of a door is what bears the weight for the opening.
And so what I see in this state is that God is raising up people, that for whatever purpose, in education, government and the family, arts, media, whatever it is . . . God has given you an anointing to bear the weight of the door so that it can swing open.
And this is a great responsibility to be a hinge of history.
If you think about it - the greatest stress on a door is on those hinges - so it is very important to see that God is calling out what I would call to be the forerunners - those that bear the weight for this door's opening.
And I have a word of prophecy for Firestarters -
And the Lord says "I have called you to be this hinge of history." And the Lord says "I am calling you now out of this wilderness season. You have been in your season of preparation, but now a door of opportunity is getting ready to open that will give you National and International visibility," says the Lord. "I am getting ready to shoot you like a flaming arrow into the Nation," says God. "I am getting ready to do a new thing with you."
The Lord says, "you are going to be a place of habitation." The Lord says, "I have called you to be a city builder. And this site of Ottertail," God says, "is going to be a magnet that draws people in - as you go out they're gonna come in," says the Lord. And the Lord says "begin to buy property around Ottertail because the price of that real estate is going to become a treasure,".
And God says, "I'm going to bring my most anointed people there. Not only for the arts, but for film. I am going to begin to release the anointing to make films. I am going to bring young filmmakers." And the Lord says that "Minnesota is going to begin to make movies."
"I am going to thrust you in as the 'eye' of the Body of Christ," says the Lord. "I have given you a seer anointing to see and peer into the future."
The Lord says, "Minnesota you are a state of Awakening and Reformation! Minnesota you are a state that is called to Awaken the rest of America. I am giving you an anointing to be a voice crying in the wilderness - prepare the way of the Lord!" Amen.
God is raising up an army out of Minnesota.
Wallace says it like this - "Above the incessant noise of human activity we have heard the sound of marching that tells us God is on the move. God is on the move in Minnesota.
Maybe you can't see it yet but there is a great rumbling - there is an underground rumbling - there is a sound of shaking in the ground and God is getting ready to cause, to emerge, seemingly from nowhere, a greater army than was in the Jesus People movement.
God is raising up an army of those that are Jesus Freaks, that are passionate for the Lord Jesus Christ, and they're going to awaken the nation. Whoa!
God is getting ready to release power, and anointing and miracles through Minnesota like we have not seen in this generation.
Wallace also says it like this - "when this happens it is God revealing himself to man in awful holiness, an irresistible power. It is such a manifest working of God that the human personalities are overshadowed, and human programs abandoned, it is man retiring into the background because God has taken the field. It the Lord making bear his arm and working in extraordinary power in Saint and Sinner alike."
That's why we are calling "Awake, Minnesota!" "Wake up!" "Wake up!" "Wake up!"
Isaiah 52:1
1 Awake, awake!
Put on your strength, O Zion;
And then all of a sudden the prophet is prophesying to a city.
Can we prophesy to cities today?
It is entirely Biblical for us to do that.
1 Awake, awake!
Put on your strength, O (Minnesota);
Put on your beautiful garments,
O (Minneapolis, O St. Paul, O Duluth, O Ottertail, O Bemidji, or wherever you live.)
Holy cities!
Shake yourself from the dust
Red Rock
How many of you have heard about the revival at Red Rock that preceded Azusa Street. There was a revival - Red Rock Revival - that preceded Azusa Street. And it's very interesting - I was talking to Dr. Peter Wagner about this. We really did not know until some Fuller theological student actually did research on this that there were revivals with the gifts of the Holy Spirit that pre-dated Azusa Street in America. And it did here in Minnesota. So this is very remarkable that there would be a move of God here. Why? You're a forerunner state - are you getting this? - You're a revival state, you’re a first fruits state.
Alright - now who preached at this revival. Interestingly enough a woman named Amanda Smith. I wrote about Amanda Smith in my book Woman of Destiny. Amanda Smith was an X-slave. She was part of the Methodist Revival which took place from 1837 until 1950. She was born a slave in Maryland and had previously worked as a scrub woman.
She was an unusual sight in Post-Civil War America - a black woman evangelist and a slave - transversing north and south - preaching to all races and then spending 14 years evangelizing in England, India and Africa - She was part of the Holiness Movement. Her own denomination would not ordain her but that didn’t seem to daunt her any.
So in God's purposes Amanda Smith spoke in 1874 in the Red Rock Revival.
You (Minnesota) are anointed to break the spirit of racism over American!
Isn't that Good News? Not only that - 'the gender barrier' -because women preached at Red Rock.
Women who participated in the Red Rock Meetings had great influence. The Methodists had a tradition of enabling women to speak, preach, teach and minister throughout the denomination. This was evident in that the Methodist Church in Minnesota appointed women to preach and minister throughout rural areas that lacked ministers. Historic records show that 36 women preached in Methodist churches since 1920 and another 17 women preached in The United Brethern donmination.
You are called to break the 'gender barrier'.
You are called to break the 'race barrier'.
You are called to tip the scales of government.
You are called to a 'great awakening'.
The Red Rock Camp Meetings influenced political outcomes of the times. Many candidates were allowed to speak from the Red Rock Platform. Including Rev. Daniel Cobb a candidate for the prohibition party in 1869. Gubernatorial candidates such as W.W. Satterly in 1879.
Out of the Red Rock sprung reform clubs with members pledging to vote the temperance ticket. Those involved had no fear of engaging their faith with their political views and beliefs. And they were not inhibited in expressing the conjunction between their faith and political values as often seen today.
Wake Up America!
In conclusion the Red Rock Revival welcomed all nationalities. God used the Red Rock Revival to empower women to lead missions and political clubs. It engaged heavily, politically. Churches in Minnesota have also been known to take this banner up to be engaged.
The political arena through their involvement is what we can see in what is inscribed in the Minnesota State Capitol - "The Voice of the people is the voice of God!"
Is that in your Capitol? That is amazing! Wow!
"The voice of the people is the voice of God"
You know I don't live in Minnesota - but God lives in Minnesota!
And you (Minnesota) were called to reform this Nation!
You have a Michele Bachmann. You have leaders that are here. You have leaders that will run. You have Mayor Stephanie. You know what? God wants us to rise up and change the nation.
Of our Native women that God has brought here to change reservations. We are red, yellow, brown, black and white. We are a Holy Nation people. And we love America. And we want to see a great reformation.
And the Lord says that I am calling you to a fast that is a fast that doesn't stop.
Every day there must be someone fasting for your state.
The Lord says I am calling you to put a stake in the ground and stand. And upon that stake is righteousness and justice. The Lord says don't look and say it's somebody else's job. Because God says it's your job.
Now Lord, anoint! Anoint these men and women. Anoint them Father God! No excuses.
The Lord says - God is going to do a new thing. He is going to raise up a generation of men and women. The Lord says you're going to be informed, you're going to know what to do.
The Lord says, "Minnesota, I am going to shift your state Legislature." I am going to give some change of addresses. I'm going to take some people out. And I'm going to put some people in.
And the Lord says "Minnesota will be a pro-life state."
Change the addresses God!
The Lord says - look to the Southern part of Minnesota. I am going to do a work in the South of this State. I am going to sweep it with my Glory. There is going to be a move of the Holy Spirit in the south.
Look to the Reservations for I am going to bring miracles, and signs and wonders to the reservations. I'm going to raise up women evangelists. I'm going to raise up a young generation of young native women. And they're going to preach like fire. They're going to be fire women. Fire women!
The Lord says you have prayed for North Minneapolis, now pray for South Minneapolis. For even as I have taken the crime rate down in North Minneapolis, I will do it in South Minneapolis, says the Lord.
And the Lord says, Jariland, even as you have a prayer center in the North - you're going to have one in the South as well. I'm going to "twin" you says the Lord. And I'm going to raise up another woman and she's going to take the point.
And the Lord says I am also going to begin to bring a revival in the Wicca community of St. Paul. I am gonna move.
Close your eyes.
What is the Lord saying to you.
The Lord is saying "The voice of the people is the voice of God!"
Every one of you have a voice. You have a voice. Ask God what you can do.
The Lord shows me that some people in this room - God has been dealing with you about running for office - and you have been dragging your feet. And the Lord says "I am calling you! Whom shall I send and who will go?"
The Lord says "say yes!" This is your confirmation. You've said Lord - you will have to speak to me - and the Lord says "I am speaking to you!"
"I am speaking to you!"
You have asked the Lord about what will happen to your business. The Lord says "Make my business, your business!"
The Lord shows me that there are some of the Native Women here - you're going to be able to get on your Tribal Councils - the Lord says that he is going to begin to release a Godly anointing into Tribal Councils.
CathyJo and Dan (Severson)
The Lord says to you man & woman of God.
The Lord says that you are called to this state for such a time as this. It has been really hard but God says I will make your forehead like flint.
God says I will put my words in your mouth - because Dan I have called you like Jeremiah - I have called you from your mother's womb. You were given the name Daniel for this day and this hour. And the Lord says I'm going to open up a Cyrus who is going to begin to open up funding. You will be a voice for the unborn. I call you to be a father to the unborn children, says the Lord.
I am going to show what to do and how to do it. This day I give you favor as your treasure. You are going to be able to say outrageous things and still have favor. I'm going to give you favor - I'm going to make you Teflon.
CathyJo you are to raise up a greater prayer army. I have called you to be a warrior woman. The Lord says you must build a thicker wall. You must build a wall. For I have called the two of you to be like Nehemiah. To build the wall says the Lord
Chuck Pierce, Rope of Hope (Jan. 2010)
Chuck Pierce
Awake Minnesota
January 2010
And the LORD would say to you, "I have a rope that's been hidden in this area. And I say it's a rope that is still linked with the exploration that I am calling this nation to."
I say, "You will begin to uncover this rope, and it will begin to be a rope of hope for the people of Minnesota and for the nation that now will enter into a new adventure," saith the LORD.
I say, to you, "This rope of hope will be like a firing gun that begins to take out that which would stop the progress of this nation. I say to you, get ready, for it will be uncovered in Minnesota – what was hidden even from the explorers' times."
Awake Minnesota
January 2010
And the LORD would say to you, "I have a rope that's been hidden in this area. And I say it's a rope that is still linked with the exploration that I am calling this nation to."
I say, "You will begin to uncover this rope, and it will begin to be a rope of hope for the people of Minnesota and for the nation that now will enter into a new adventure," saith the LORD.
I say, to you, "This rope of hope will be like a firing gun that begins to take out that which would stop the progress of this nation. I say to you, get ready, for it will be uncovered in Minnesota – what was hidden even from the explorers' times."
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Chuck Pierce, 4 Government Leaders (2003)
Chuck Pierce
Minnesota Conference - 2003
4 Government Leaders
I will raise up 4 key government leaders in this state and they will terrify the enemy's plans in this state. He said, I am going to bring these 4 leaders together.
There will be a unifying anointing on them. Even where the enemy has moved in and separated and scattered, there will be great unity within my body.
When these 4 leaders (craftsmen) come together, there will be no question that it is me doing this.
And then I will start sweeping all across this state as a sign."
Minnesota Conference - 2003
4 Government Leaders
I will raise up 4 key government leaders in this state and they will terrify the enemy's plans in this state. He said, I am going to bring these 4 leaders together.
There will be a unifying anointing on them. Even where the enemy has moved in and separated and scattered, there will be great unity within my body.
When these 4 leaders (craftsmen) come together, there will be no question that it is me doing this.
And then I will start sweeping all across this state as a sign."
Chuck Pierce, 50 State Tour (August 5, 2003)
Prophecy by Chuck Pierce
50 State Tour
And I would say to you there will be wisdom that rests upon this state, a supernatural wisdom, sayeth the Lord.
I will say there will be a speech made in this state that will change the course of this land, for this speech will be a speech that brings great division in this land. But this speech will be from Me, says the Lord, and I will release from this state a message that will travel down the headwaters (of this river) that flows in this state down through this land, sayeth the Lord. And this message will cause a decision to be made one way or the other in this land.
No more will opinions be between this and between that, for I will release a speech in Minnesota that will come from a governmental official that will change the course of this land, says the Lord.
I say to you I will bring direction to this nation that will set its course for forty years, from this state. I say open up the way for My head to be displayed and My mind to be declared in this particular state. Even your gathering tonight, there is an opening being created. Listen carefully, for the course and the speech that will determine the way this nation goes will be delived in this state.
50 State Tour
And I would say to you there will be wisdom that rests upon this state, a supernatural wisdom, sayeth the Lord.
I will say there will be a speech made in this state that will change the course of this land, for this speech will be a speech that brings great division in this land. But this speech will be from Me, says the Lord, and I will release from this state a message that will travel down the headwaters (of this river) that flows in this state down through this land, sayeth the Lord. And this message will cause a decision to be made one way or the other in this land.
No more will opinions be between this and between that, for I will release a speech in Minnesota that will come from a governmental official that will change the course of this land, says the Lord.
I say to you I will bring direction to this nation that will set its course for forty years, from this state. I say open up the way for My head to be displayed and My mind to be declared in this particular state. Even your gathering tonight, there is an opening being created. Listen carefully, for the course and the speech that will determine the way this nation goes will be delived in this state.
Bob Jones., Earthquake in Japan (June 2011)
This report from Sally Kassuelke, Mankato, MN
Bob Jones - prophetic word/vision
Minnesota, June 2011
Redeeming Love Church
As some of you know, prophet Bob Jones was in the twin cities last month and had some significant words for us. This is a brief summary of my notes that I hope will help you prepare for the coming months. I cover them with the blood of Jesus and submit them to you, for your intercession.
Several years ago the Lord had given Bob a vision of a major earthquake in Japan and He said that when that one occured America would have 6 months to pray because things were going to happen. When the March earthquake hit Japan, he knew that this was the one that the Lord had told him about. God said the church is about to enter into a time of deep repentance. There is a shaking coming, some areas of the US will be hit very hard, but if we pray, the devastation will be lessened. God is saying, it is a time to walk in obedience like never before. Bob kept saying, I see Sept. 11th as a very significant date. We need to draw close to the Lord and He will tell us what we need to do when the time comes. Pray, Pray, Pray. It is time to intercede for mercy and minimal deaths. Pray 2 Chron. 7:14. God said, if you like the current weather patterns then don't pray. But if you want to see them change then ask Me to change them. Bob said, "I see hunger in a strange way, not that there is a shortage of food, but a difficulty in getting that food to where it needs to go." You need to train the people in emergency response and the youth will lead the way.
On a lighter note he said, there is and army of God being formed, one that will not break rank. They will hear the commands of the Lord and move accordingly. There is a major youth movement coming. The message of evangelism is going to get louder and more clear. God told him years ago that he would live to see the Greatest Show On Earth, that he would lieve to see a billion souls saved. God said, that the current church is not big enough to hold the harvest that is coming in. This will begin in 2012 and be in full swing by 2018. Stadiums will not even be big enough, they will have to meet in open fields. He quoted Amos 9:13, that says, this harvest will never end! God said, I will have My "Woodstocks", there will be day and night prayer, praise and prophecy. People will be walking the streets not knowing what to do, but believers will have the answer. He said over and over again, that it is the youth that will be leading this move, that they are rising up like never before.
God says, it is a time to honor the Father, a time to do signs, wonders and miracles. We are entering a time of creative miracles. The next move of God will release divine health. The Redeemed need to start acting like they are redeemed and start "saying so." A time of unity like we have never known is coming. The tabernacle of David will be restored. God said, Revelation is a love letter to the bride and how I will take out the enemy. God told him in 2006 when he was here that what you've longed for for decades is now coming to pass. God told him that we will see John 17 fufilled during this time. (We will be one as the Father and the Son are one!) God said, All that I have said, I will do! God told him that he would see the return of the glory that will never depart. When you see it, you will be ruined, you will never want to leave. When you enter places demons and darkness will flee because they can't stand the light of His glory.
God said to him that St. Paul is God's favored city. He called it a city of righteousness and justice.
Releasing the Kingdom of God,
Sally Kassuelke
Bob Jones - prophetic word/vision
Minnesota, June 2011
Redeeming Love Church
As some of you know, prophet Bob Jones was in the twin cities last month and had some significant words for us. This is a brief summary of my notes that I hope will help you prepare for the coming months. I cover them with the blood of Jesus and submit them to you, for your intercession.
Several years ago the Lord had given Bob a vision of a major earthquake in Japan and He said that when that one occured America would have 6 months to pray because things were going to happen. When the March earthquake hit Japan, he knew that this was the one that the Lord had told him about. God said the church is about to enter into a time of deep repentance. There is a shaking coming, some areas of the US will be hit very hard, but if we pray, the devastation will be lessened. God is saying, it is a time to walk in obedience like never before. Bob kept saying, I see Sept. 11th as a very significant date. We need to draw close to the Lord and He will tell us what we need to do when the time comes. Pray, Pray, Pray. It is time to intercede for mercy and minimal deaths. Pray 2 Chron. 7:14. God said, if you like the current weather patterns then don't pray. But if you want to see them change then ask Me to change them. Bob said, "I see hunger in a strange way, not that there is a shortage of food, but a difficulty in getting that food to where it needs to go." You need to train the people in emergency response and the youth will lead the way.
On a lighter note he said, there is and army of God being formed, one that will not break rank. They will hear the commands of the Lord and move accordingly. There is a major youth movement coming. The message of evangelism is going to get louder and more clear. God told him years ago that he would live to see the Greatest Show On Earth, that he would lieve to see a billion souls saved. God said, that the current church is not big enough to hold the harvest that is coming in. This will begin in 2012 and be in full swing by 2018. Stadiums will not even be big enough, they will have to meet in open fields. He quoted Amos 9:13, that says, this harvest will never end! God said, I will have My "Woodstocks", there will be day and night prayer, praise and prophecy. People will be walking the streets not knowing what to do, but believers will have the answer. He said over and over again, that it is the youth that will be leading this move, that they are rising up like never before.
God says, it is a time to honor the Father, a time to do signs, wonders and miracles. We are entering a time of creative miracles. The next move of God will release divine health. The Redeemed need to start acting like they are redeemed and start "saying so." A time of unity like we have never known is coming. The tabernacle of David will be restored. God said, Revelation is a love letter to the bride and how I will take out the enemy. God told him in 2006 when he was here that what you've longed for for decades is now coming to pass. God told him that we will see John 17 fufilled during this time. (We will be one as the Father and the Son are one!) God said, All that I have said, I will do! God told him that he would see the return of the glory that will never depart. When you see it, you will be ruined, you will never want to leave. When you enter places demons and darkness will flee because they can't stand the light of His glory.
God said to him that St. Paul is God's favored city. He called it a city of righteousness and justice.
Releasing the Kingdom of God,
Sally Kassuelke
Karen Gibson, Warship Vision (August 1, 2008)
Warship Vison
Karen Gibson
Aug 1, 2008
I saw a huge “warship”. I asked the Lord where this ship was. He said it was parked on the Mississippi River just below the Excel Center in St. Paul (MN).
It was a huge, ocean-going ship. It had a strong arrow point at the front of the ship and had huge metal reinforcements on the front of the ship that were riveted on for cutting through as if cutting through the water (icebreaker); it made it very strong in the breaking of the waves as it went through the water.
This was also a “flagship” and a command center. It seemed as if it were the Lord’s War Room. It had 3 huge flags on the deck of the ship; not sure if it had any color, seemed like the flags were white, but very, very large flying in the wind.
Each one of the flags was higher than the other. The bottom flag said, “JESUS IS LORD OVER THE TWIN CITIES”; the next higher flag said, “JESUS IS LORD OVER MINNESOTA”; the next higher flag said, “JESUS IS LORD OVER THE USA”.
(Later as I was asking the Lord about this vision, I saw 3 rings, such as the Olympic rings, intersecting, meaning the Godhead - Father, Son and Holy Spirit all intersecting. These were on the flags as well. I felt as this was establishing the God-head, 3 in one, and His presence with authority in this place. It was a “heaven invading earth” type of sensing).
It seemed as if the warship was a place of unity in command, releasing the Navy seals (water), the Swat Teams (land) and the Apache helicopters and airplanes (air).
It also seemed as if the warship was an aircraft carrier with planes landing and taking off. It was like the teams would go out and do their part and come back to report and receive further instructions.
There were angels on this ship that were there asking to be released. We did release them. When this group that was at the meeting dispatched the angels, Gary B. saw them going to the four corners of MN. I saw them shoulder to shoulder lining the borders of MN as a “turtle shield” wing covering wing covering wing protecting who could come in and who could go out of here.
Karen Gibson
Coon Rapids, Minnesota
Karen Gibson
Aug 1, 2008
I saw a huge “warship”. I asked the Lord where this ship was. He said it was parked on the Mississippi River just below the Excel Center in St. Paul (MN).
It was a huge, ocean-going ship. It had a strong arrow point at the front of the ship and had huge metal reinforcements on the front of the ship that were riveted on for cutting through as if cutting through the water (icebreaker); it made it very strong in the breaking of the waves as it went through the water.
This was also a “flagship” and a command center. It seemed as if it were the Lord’s War Room. It had 3 huge flags on the deck of the ship; not sure if it had any color, seemed like the flags were white, but very, very large flying in the wind.
Each one of the flags was higher than the other. The bottom flag said, “JESUS IS LORD OVER THE TWIN CITIES”; the next higher flag said, “JESUS IS LORD OVER MINNESOTA”; the next higher flag said, “JESUS IS LORD OVER THE USA”.
(Later as I was asking the Lord about this vision, I saw 3 rings, such as the Olympic rings, intersecting, meaning the Godhead - Father, Son and Holy Spirit all intersecting. These were on the flags as well. I felt as this was establishing the God-head, 3 in one, and His presence with authority in this place. It was a “heaven invading earth” type of sensing).
It seemed as if the warship was a place of unity in command, releasing the Navy seals (water), the Swat Teams (land) and the Apache helicopters and airplanes (air).
It also seemed as if the warship was an aircraft carrier with planes landing and taking off. It was like the teams would go out and do their part and come back to report and receive further instructions.
There were angels on this ship that were there asking to be released. We did release them. When this group that was at the meeting dispatched the angels, Gary B. saw them going to the four corners of MN. I saw them shoulder to shoulder lining the borders of MN as a “turtle shield” wing covering wing covering wing protecting who could come in and who could go out of here.
Karen Gibson
Coon Rapids, Minnesota
Frank Hammond, God Warns America (Feb. 5, 1985)
by Frank Hammond
As reported in the January, 1990 issue of the Maranatha Manna
EDITOR'S NOTE: Over the past several years, Frank Hammond, author of PIGS IN THE PARLOR, has received prophetic messages from the Lord in the form of night visions. On Feb. 5, 1985, he was given a vision of three attacking eagles. Seven nights later, God revealed to him their significance.
Below is an excerpt from his booklet,
"God Warns America: Arise, Oh, Church!"
which gives the vision and its interpretation.
The dream began with me sitting in a large stadium among a crowd of people. It was night, and there was a layer of light clouds overhead. Suddenly there was a very brilliant light that illuminated the clouds from above. (It) attracted everyone's attention, and all eyes were upon the shining clouds. People were wondering aloud what the source of the light might be. One person speculated that the light might be coming from a comet.
Then the clouds directly overhead parted and an eagle descended through the clouds. The eagle was brilliant green in color, and was very stocky and strong in appearance. The eagle had many sharp teeth like those of a saw, and its claws were extended in an attack position.
It amazed me that no one else in the stadium seemed the least impressed with what we were seeing. I exclaimed, "This is like something that one would read about in the Book of Revelation. It must be a judgment of God coming down upon us!" The eagle descended swiftly to the earth. Its exact point of attack was near the stadium but just out of my sight.
At this point everyone began to leave the stadium to go to their homes. Suddenly, there was a second burst of brilliant, white light exactly like the first. Within moments the clouds parted and a second eagle appeared in the heavens. His appearance was like that of the first eagle; the only difference was he was brilliant red. (It) descended swiftly to the earth a little distance away. I did not witness the exact scene of his attack.
The people walking beside me took only a casual interest in this plunging red eagle, but I was very intent in observing it. I was more convinced than ever that these two eagles represented judgments from God coming upon our land.
Finally, everyone else had disappeared into their houses, and I remained out of doors alone. Then, for a third time, the heavens above me were illuminated by a burst of glowing, white light which originated above a thin layer of white clouds.
At this very moment the Lord began to speak to me. He told me that a third eagle would soon appear. I was instructed to lift my arm and point directly toward the brightest spot of light in the heavens. The Lord said, "When the next eagle appears you must command him to come directly to you. When he comes to attack, then you must destroy him."
The moment the Lord finished speaking, the clouds parted and a third eagle appeared in the heavens. He was like the two which preceded him ... only (he) was blue.
Without a tinge of fear I pointed at this attacking eagle and commanded him to come directly to me. He immediately obeyed and came swiftly toward me with teeth bared and claws extended for attack. My right hand shot forth (and) grasped the eagle by the neck .... his claws restrained my left hand. Actually, his claws were only beneath the edges of my fingernails. After a brief struggle, the tips of my fingernails split and my left hand was freed to grasp the eagle's neck. With a quick, powerful stroke, I twisted off the eagle's head and cast its lifeless form to the ground.
I entered a nearby house and asked the people if they had seen the third burst of light. (It) was so bright that it would easily have shone through their windows. To my surprise these people were totally unaware of the light and of the descent of the third eagle. Furthermore, they took no interest in my report, so I did not bother to share with them that I had destroyed the eagle.
As I pondered over the vision for the next couple of days, I was reminded of the scripture which says, "Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God....But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:12, 14).
A spiritual dream cannot be deciphered by human reasoning, only by divine revelation. I knew that I must wait prayerfully upon the Lord for the interpretation.
The Lord explained to me that the stadium filled with people meant that normal events will be going on when His judgments come. People will be pursuing their pleasures rather than making preparations for the evil day. It will be the same as it was in the days of Noah. People were doing all the things they normally did right up til the time that the flood came. Therefore, they were caught totally unprepared and with no way of escape.
The Lord is merciful to give warning before every judgment. Such warning is an opportunity for sinners to repent and avoid the judgment. God's wrath is reserved for the unrighteous who refuse to repent. He will make a way of escape for those who repent unto obedience. That is why He says to all who will hear, "Watch therefore ... be ye also ready" (Matthew 24:42, 44).
The clouds overhead were thin and white rather than heavy and dark. If the clouds had been gathering for a storm, I would have immediately discerned that they spoke of coming judgment, but (they) were not the least threatening in appearance.
The coming judgments (will) not be preceded by ominous clouds of forewarning. (They will) seem to most people like natural circumstances not attributable to God, recognized as judgments by only those with spiritually discerning eyes.
Clouds represent a concealing of what lies beyond. The natural man will not discern, and therefore not anticipate the approaching judgments. They will come suddenly and unexpectedly as represented by the sudden opening of the clouds as each of the eagles were released.
The scene took place at night. This represents the operation of Satan and his kingdom of darkness. The fact that the judgments are the works of Satan does not contradict the fact that they are from God. The judgments will come as satanically inflicted curses when God lifts His restraining hand upon the powers of wickedness in the heavenlies.
The brilliant light was a heavenly, supernatural light. It represents the light of God which shines upon the evil one. It exposes all of his ways and doings. The judgments of God are never hidden. Before God moves in chastening power, He always reveals His intentions through His prophets.
"Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it? Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He reveal-eth His secret unto His servants the prophets" (Amos 3:6-7).
Thus, Divine illumination precedes punishment. Nevertheless, there are many who see the light who do not comprehend the light. Jesus said: "Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they, seeing, see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand" (Matthew 13:13).
This explains why most of those who saw the light and what it revealed remained unmoved while I, representing spiritual men, recognized its meaning. They attributed the light to a comet and looked for a natural explanation and perceived not that the light was supernatural.
May all who read this vision have "eyes to see and ears to hear."
The eagle is a bird of prey. He is strong and swift. His lodging is in the high places of the earth, and his domain is in the heavenlies. Thus (it) represents those spiritual powers spoken of in Ephesians 6:12 ("the rulers, powers, world forces of darkness and spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" NASB).
The eagle is also a symbol of the United States, and I was thus shown that the judgments were upon our nation. Furthermore, the American eagle, which normally speaks of our nation's power to defend herself and overcome enemies, was now the aggressor against our nation. The approaching judgments will be self-inflicted from within our own nation, and through our own government. The lifestyle in our nation, long looked upon as a blessing, will become a curse.
"If you will not hear, and if you will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto My name, saith the Lord of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart" (Malachi 2:2).
In the U.S. we call our currency "greenbacks." The green eagle represents an attack upon our economy, in particular upon the dollar. Our prosperity and per capita income has been one of the highest in the world. Money and materialism have become America's gods.
Since our own nation will be the channel for this judgment, we might expect that leaders will make decisions or pass legislation which will create economic chaos. This does not mean that we should blame the President or the Congress. The sin of materialism, the worship of money, has infected our people. (Their) decisions merely reflect the greed, selfishness and lust which are in our hearts.
God has been telling us repeatedly to make Him our source. His word is, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33).
God's Word instructs us to give generously as an insurance against the day of calamity. The world counsels us to store up, to covet and to look out for ourselves. But God counsels us to "cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; FOR THOU KNOWEST NOT WHAT EVIL SHALL BE UPON THE EARTH" (Ecclesiastes 11:1-2; emphasis added).
God will guide us in the handling of our finances if we will seek His counsel. We must walk in determined obedience to the guidance given us.
The red eagle represents bloodshed. An estimated 1.5 million babies are aborted annually in the U.S. God will no longer ignore this carnage.
Murder has replaced childbearing. We have despised God's blessing and called it a curse, for the widespread acceptance of abortion shows that children are no longer considered "the heritage of the Lord" nor "the fruit of the womb, His reward" (see Psalm 127:3).
One of the specific causes for a curse from God is murder of the innocent. "Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person" (Deuteronomy 27:25). Who is more innocent than a baby yet in the mother's womb? Who is more guilty of murder for hire than the doctors and their staffs who receive pay for the murder of abortion? The nation that permits such bloodshed is guilty before God.
When the prophet Daniel realized that the sins of his nation had brought on God's judgment he was moved to prayer, fasting, deep repentance and the confession of his nation's sins (see Daniel 9:3-19). Only such genuine and deep repentance can save America. Where are our tears?
But, oh America, the bloodshed will not be limited to continued abortions. There will be added to this, bloodshed that comes through terrorism and violence in our land.
The fierce, blood-red eagle is vividly pictured in Scripture: "The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, AS SWIFT AS THE EAGLE FLIETH; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; A NATION OF FIERCE COUNTENANCE, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favor to young" (Deuteronomy 28:49-50; emphasis added).
The Lord warns that the disregard for human life expressed through abortion will not be limited to innocent babies, but will expand to include the elderly.
In my spirit I clearly understood that the bloodshed of THIS judgment would NOT be the result of war and foreign invasion. The "nation" that comes against us is to be a demonic kingdom. The only thing that now withholds the invasion of demonic hordes posed for destruction against the U.S. is God's restraining hand of mercy. The only thing that will keep (it) in place is a sweeping, spiritual revival which will turn America back to God in obedience, righteousness and holiness.
The blue eagle represents persecution coming against the Church due to her failure to keep God's truth through purity of doctrine and practice. In some major denominations and churches today, over half of the pastors no longer believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, the deity of Jesus, His resurrection, and the inspiration of Scripture. Secular humanism and liberal theology have eroded the true value of God's Word in the minds and hearts of many nominal Christians.
Again, the impending judgment will be channeled from within. It will come principally through the federal and state governments and their agencies. Already there are sinister forces at work, determined to destroy America's religious liberties. This is but the tip of the iceburg.
(The Church) has not faithfully heralded an uncompromising Gospel. The result has been the erosion of the spiritual and moral foundations of the nation. Truth upheld and lived by becomes an individual's or a nation's bulwark. Truth denied and abandoned becomes their downfall.
In the vision I represented a person demonstrating the overcoming power of those who have and love the truth. It was the right hand which was extended and which grasped the dreaded eagle by the throat. The right hand symbolizes strength and ministry. The Lord has raised up His army in the earth and anointed it with His Spirit. These soldiers know their authority over the principalities and powers of Satan's kingdom. They also understand that acceptance and confession of truth is a necessary condition for spiritual victory.
As God instructed me to command the blue eagle to obey, likewise, God is instructing His army of Spirit-anointed believers to exercise their boldness of faith in spiritual warfare. Satan will make every effort to intimidate. He will bare his sharp teeth and claws in menacing and threatening tactics. Those who know not the truth of their spiritual authority will flee in fear; they will abandon the battle.
God is saying that...all the judgments can be averted. There are enough righteous ones in Sodom-America to make the difference, but these must not remain passive. As they minister the truth in boldness and faith, many will be turned to righteousness, and the powers of coming judgment will be turned aside.
The momentary restraint on the fingernails of my left hand by this eagle speaks of his ineffectiveness to resist. The fingernails are the armor of the hands, and thus speak to us of our proper weaponry. We have the whole armor of God, but all of the devil's armor has been taken from him.
The left hand is the supporting hand and symbolizes intercessory prayer as the necessary companion to direct spiritual warfare. Intercessory prayer is spiritual weaponry. Today, the Holy Spirit is raising up an army of prayer intercessors. They support those who are in the forefront of the battle (teachers and ministers of deliverance and spiritual warfare). These two ministries are interdependent. One hand alone could not destroy the fierce eagle of persecution, but when the two hands were joined in ministry, the eagle's head was torn off.
"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the Gospel" (Ephesians 6:18-19).
I questioned the Lord about those who witnessed the eagles coming down and yet remained so unmoved. He reminded me of the many times in the Bible when people saw but did not understand. He said that likewise in this generation, when men are warned of the impending judgments of God they will be like those whom Peter described. When they were warned of judgment to come, they retorted, "All things continue as they were from the beginning of creation" (II Peter 3:4). As it was in the days of Noah, they will refuse to repent and turn to God.
"Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?" (Isaiah 53:1).
This prophetic vision is a serious matter. It brings us face to face with God. We must admit that God has been patient with our nation for a long time. We can be thankful for His warning. We know now that time is running out. If you want America to be spared these judgments, then I urge you to do these things:
Specifically repent of:
1. All sins related to money.
2. All sins related to abortion.
3. All sins related to Christ's Church and truth.
NOTE: God will forgive any sinner when he sincerely repents and asks for forgiveness. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (I John 1:9).
2. CONFESS THE SINS OF THE NATION. Follow the example of Daniel.
1. Confess that "we have sinned, and have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly,
and have rebelled, even by departing from thy precepts and from thy judgments"
(Daniel 9:5).
2. Confess that we have not hearkened to God's ministers whom He sent to teach us
(Daniel 9:6).
3. Pray and plead for God's mercies.
4. Pray that God will deliver us from judgment.
5. UNITE IN SPIRITUAL WARFARE. "For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood --
contending only with physical opponents -- but against the despotisms, against the powers, against (the master spirits who are) the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere" (Ephesians 6:12, Amplified Bible).
6. There are ruler spirits which Satan has assigned over our nation to bring us to destruction. Their plan is to destroy our economy with greed, to destroy God's favor with abortion, and to destroy our spiritual liberties by compromise.
7. Jesus has given us power to bind Satan and his demon spirits (see Matthew 12:29; 16:19).
8. Bind specifically the following demonic powers assaulting our nation:
* Mammon (wealth personified), greed, covetousness, avarice, selfishness, material lust, lust for money and the idolatry of money.
* Abortion, murder, fornication, adultery, sexual lust and child sacrifice. (Child sacrifice is the spirit of Molech, the god to whom the Moabites and Ammonites burned their babies in demonic worship.)
* Liberal theology: denial and unbelief concerning the virgin birth, sinlessness, deity, blood atonement, and resurrection of Jesus; denial and unbelief concerning the inerrancy of Scripture; secular humanism; traditions of men; spiritual compromise and complacency. 4. SPEAK TO THESE DEMONIC PRINCIPALITIES IN THE AUTHORITY OF JESUS' NAME. Command them to be bound. "Wrestle" them in the power of the Holy Spirit. That is, put pressure on them by using the spiritual weapons of the name of Jesus, the blood of the Lamb, the word of testimony, the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) and praise. (See Mark 16:7; Revelation 12:11; Ephesians 6:17-18; Psalm 149).
"Yet even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the LORD, your God. For gracious and merciful is He, slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting in punishment. Perhaps He will again relent and leave behind Him a blessing, Offerings and libations for the LORD, your God.
"Blow a trumpet Zion! proclaim a fast, call an assembly; Gather the people, notify the congregation; Assemble the elders, gather the children and the infants at the breast; Let the bridegroom quit his room, and the bride her chamber. Between the porch and the altar let the priests, the ministers of the LORD weep, And say, 'Spare, O LORD, your people, and make not your heritage a reporach, with the nations ruling over them! Why should they say among the peoples, "Where is their God?"'" (Joel 2:12-17, NAB).
by Frank Hammond
As reported in the January, 1990 issue of the Maranatha Manna
EDITOR'S NOTE: Over the past several years, Frank Hammond, author of PIGS IN THE PARLOR, has received prophetic messages from the Lord in the form of night visions. On Feb. 5, 1985, he was given a vision of three attacking eagles. Seven nights later, God revealed to him their significance.
Below is an excerpt from his booklet,
"God Warns America: Arise, Oh, Church!"
which gives the vision and its interpretation.
The dream began with me sitting in a large stadium among a crowd of people. It was night, and there was a layer of light clouds overhead. Suddenly there was a very brilliant light that illuminated the clouds from above. (It) attracted everyone's attention, and all eyes were upon the shining clouds. People were wondering aloud what the source of the light might be. One person speculated that the light might be coming from a comet.
Then the clouds directly overhead parted and an eagle descended through the clouds. The eagle was brilliant green in color, and was very stocky and strong in appearance. The eagle had many sharp teeth like those of a saw, and its claws were extended in an attack position.
It amazed me that no one else in the stadium seemed the least impressed with what we were seeing. I exclaimed, "This is like something that one would read about in the Book of Revelation. It must be a judgment of God coming down upon us!" The eagle descended swiftly to the earth. Its exact point of attack was near the stadium but just out of my sight.
At this point everyone began to leave the stadium to go to their homes. Suddenly, there was a second burst of brilliant, white light exactly like the first. Within moments the clouds parted and a second eagle appeared in the heavens. His appearance was like that of the first eagle; the only difference was he was brilliant red. (It) descended swiftly to the earth a little distance away. I did not witness the exact scene of his attack.
The people walking beside me took only a casual interest in this plunging red eagle, but I was very intent in observing it. I was more convinced than ever that these two eagles represented judgments from God coming upon our land.
Finally, everyone else had disappeared into their houses, and I remained out of doors alone. Then, for a third time, the heavens above me were illuminated by a burst of glowing, white light which originated above a thin layer of white clouds.
At this very moment the Lord began to speak to me. He told me that a third eagle would soon appear. I was instructed to lift my arm and point directly toward the brightest spot of light in the heavens. The Lord said, "When the next eagle appears you must command him to come directly to you. When he comes to attack, then you must destroy him."
The moment the Lord finished speaking, the clouds parted and a third eagle appeared in the heavens. He was like the two which preceded him ... only (he) was blue.
Without a tinge of fear I pointed at this attacking eagle and commanded him to come directly to me. He immediately obeyed and came swiftly toward me with teeth bared and claws extended for attack. My right hand shot forth (and) grasped the eagle by the neck .... his claws restrained my left hand. Actually, his claws were only beneath the edges of my fingernails. After a brief struggle, the tips of my fingernails split and my left hand was freed to grasp the eagle's neck. With a quick, powerful stroke, I twisted off the eagle's head and cast its lifeless form to the ground.
I entered a nearby house and asked the people if they had seen the third burst of light. (It) was so bright that it would easily have shone through their windows. To my surprise these people were totally unaware of the light and of the descent of the third eagle. Furthermore, they took no interest in my report, so I did not bother to share with them that I had destroyed the eagle.
As I pondered over the vision for the next couple of days, I was reminded of the scripture which says, "Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God....But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:12, 14).
A spiritual dream cannot be deciphered by human reasoning, only by divine revelation. I knew that I must wait prayerfully upon the Lord for the interpretation.
The Lord explained to me that the stadium filled with people meant that normal events will be going on when His judgments come. People will be pursuing their pleasures rather than making preparations for the evil day. It will be the same as it was in the days of Noah. People were doing all the things they normally did right up til the time that the flood came. Therefore, they were caught totally unprepared and with no way of escape.
The Lord is merciful to give warning before every judgment. Such warning is an opportunity for sinners to repent and avoid the judgment. God's wrath is reserved for the unrighteous who refuse to repent. He will make a way of escape for those who repent unto obedience. That is why He says to all who will hear, "Watch therefore ... be ye also ready" (Matthew 24:42, 44).
The clouds overhead were thin and white rather than heavy and dark. If the clouds had been gathering for a storm, I would have immediately discerned that they spoke of coming judgment, but (they) were not the least threatening in appearance.
The coming judgments (will) not be preceded by ominous clouds of forewarning. (They will) seem to most people like natural circumstances not attributable to God, recognized as judgments by only those with spiritually discerning eyes.
Clouds represent a concealing of what lies beyond. The natural man will not discern, and therefore not anticipate the approaching judgments. They will come suddenly and unexpectedly as represented by the sudden opening of the clouds as each of the eagles were released.
The scene took place at night. This represents the operation of Satan and his kingdom of darkness. The fact that the judgments are the works of Satan does not contradict the fact that they are from God. The judgments will come as satanically inflicted curses when God lifts His restraining hand upon the powers of wickedness in the heavenlies.
The brilliant light was a heavenly, supernatural light. It represents the light of God which shines upon the evil one. It exposes all of his ways and doings. The judgments of God are never hidden. Before God moves in chastening power, He always reveals His intentions through His prophets.
"Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it? Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He reveal-eth His secret unto His servants the prophets" (Amos 3:6-7).
Thus, Divine illumination precedes punishment. Nevertheless, there are many who see the light who do not comprehend the light. Jesus said: "Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they, seeing, see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand" (Matthew 13:13).
This explains why most of those who saw the light and what it revealed remained unmoved while I, representing spiritual men, recognized its meaning. They attributed the light to a comet and looked for a natural explanation and perceived not that the light was supernatural.
May all who read this vision have "eyes to see and ears to hear."
The eagle is a bird of prey. He is strong and swift. His lodging is in the high places of the earth, and his domain is in the heavenlies. Thus (it) represents those spiritual powers spoken of in Ephesians 6:12 ("the rulers, powers, world forces of darkness and spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" NASB).
The eagle is also a symbol of the United States, and I was thus shown that the judgments were upon our nation. Furthermore, the American eagle, which normally speaks of our nation's power to defend herself and overcome enemies, was now the aggressor against our nation. The approaching judgments will be self-inflicted from within our own nation, and through our own government. The lifestyle in our nation, long looked upon as a blessing, will become a curse.
"If you will not hear, and if you will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto My name, saith the Lord of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart" (Malachi 2:2).
In the U.S. we call our currency "greenbacks." The green eagle represents an attack upon our economy, in particular upon the dollar. Our prosperity and per capita income has been one of the highest in the world. Money and materialism have become America's gods.
Since our own nation will be the channel for this judgment, we might expect that leaders will make decisions or pass legislation which will create economic chaos. This does not mean that we should blame the President or the Congress. The sin of materialism, the worship of money, has infected our people. (Their) decisions merely reflect the greed, selfishness and lust which are in our hearts.
God has been telling us repeatedly to make Him our source. His word is, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33).
God's Word instructs us to give generously as an insurance against the day of calamity. The world counsels us to store up, to covet and to look out for ourselves. But God counsels us to "cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; FOR THOU KNOWEST NOT WHAT EVIL SHALL BE UPON THE EARTH" (Ecclesiastes 11:1-2; emphasis added).
God will guide us in the handling of our finances if we will seek His counsel. We must walk in determined obedience to the guidance given us.
The red eagle represents bloodshed. An estimated 1.5 million babies are aborted annually in the U.S. God will no longer ignore this carnage.
Murder has replaced childbearing. We have despised God's blessing and called it a curse, for the widespread acceptance of abortion shows that children are no longer considered "the heritage of the Lord" nor "the fruit of the womb, His reward" (see Psalm 127:3).
One of the specific causes for a curse from God is murder of the innocent. "Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person" (Deuteronomy 27:25). Who is more innocent than a baby yet in the mother's womb? Who is more guilty of murder for hire than the doctors and their staffs who receive pay for the murder of abortion? The nation that permits such bloodshed is guilty before God.
When the prophet Daniel realized that the sins of his nation had brought on God's judgment he was moved to prayer, fasting, deep repentance and the confession of his nation's sins (see Daniel 9:3-19). Only such genuine and deep repentance can save America. Where are our tears?
But, oh America, the bloodshed will not be limited to continued abortions. There will be added to this, bloodshed that comes through terrorism and violence in our land.
The fierce, blood-red eagle is vividly pictured in Scripture: "The Lord shall bring a nation against thee from far, from the end of the earth, AS SWIFT AS THE EAGLE FLIETH; a nation whose tongue thou shalt not understand; A NATION OF FIERCE COUNTENANCE, which shall not regard the person of the old, nor show favor to young" (Deuteronomy 28:49-50; emphasis added).
The Lord warns that the disregard for human life expressed through abortion will not be limited to innocent babies, but will expand to include the elderly.
In my spirit I clearly understood that the bloodshed of THIS judgment would NOT be the result of war and foreign invasion. The "nation" that comes against us is to be a demonic kingdom. The only thing that now withholds the invasion of demonic hordes posed for destruction against the U.S. is God's restraining hand of mercy. The only thing that will keep (it) in place is a sweeping, spiritual revival which will turn America back to God in obedience, righteousness and holiness.
The blue eagle represents persecution coming against the Church due to her failure to keep God's truth through purity of doctrine and practice. In some major denominations and churches today, over half of the pastors no longer believe in the virgin birth of Jesus, the deity of Jesus, His resurrection, and the inspiration of Scripture. Secular humanism and liberal theology have eroded the true value of God's Word in the minds and hearts of many nominal Christians.
Again, the impending judgment will be channeled from within. It will come principally through the federal and state governments and their agencies. Already there are sinister forces at work, determined to destroy America's religious liberties. This is but the tip of the iceburg.
(The Church) has not faithfully heralded an uncompromising Gospel. The result has been the erosion of the spiritual and moral foundations of the nation. Truth upheld and lived by becomes an individual's or a nation's bulwark. Truth denied and abandoned becomes their downfall.
In the vision I represented a person demonstrating the overcoming power of those who have and love the truth. It was the right hand which was extended and which grasped the dreaded eagle by the throat. The right hand symbolizes strength and ministry. The Lord has raised up His army in the earth and anointed it with His Spirit. These soldiers know their authority over the principalities and powers of Satan's kingdom. They also understand that acceptance and confession of truth is a necessary condition for spiritual victory.
As God instructed me to command the blue eagle to obey, likewise, God is instructing His army of Spirit-anointed believers to exercise their boldness of faith in spiritual warfare. Satan will make every effort to intimidate. He will bare his sharp teeth and claws in menacing and threatening tactics. Those who know not the truth of their spiritual authority will flee in fear; they will abandon the battle.
God is saying that...all the judgments can be averted. There are enough righteous ones in Sodom-America to make the difference, but these must not remain passive. As they minister the truth in boldness and faith, many will be turned to righteousness, and the powers of coming judgment will be turned aside.
The momentary restraint on the fingernails of my left hand by this eagle speaks of his ineffectiveness to resist. The fingernails are the armor of the hands, and thus speak to us of our proper weaponry. We have the whole armor of God, but all of the devil's armor has been taken from him.
The left hand is the supporting hand and symbolizes intercessory prayer as the necessary companion to direct spiritual warfare. Intercessory prayer is spiritual weaponry. Today, the Holy Spirit is raising up an army of prayer intercessors. They support those who are in the forefront of the battle (teachers and ministers of deliverance and spiritual warfare). These two ministries are interdependent. One hand alone could not destroy the fierce eagle of persecution, but when the two hands were joined in ministry, the eagle's head was torn off.
"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the Gospel" (Ephesians 6:18-19).
I questioned the Lord about those who witnessed the eagles coming down and yet remained so unmoved. He reminded me of the many times in the Bible when people saw but did not understand. He said that likewise in this generation, when men are warned of the impending judgments of God they will be like those whom Peter described. When they were warned of judgment to come, they retorted, "All things continue as they were from the beginning of creation" (II Peter 3:4). As it was in the days of Noah, they will refuse to repent and turn to God.
"Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?" (Isaiah 53:1).
This prophetic vision is a serious matter. It brings us face to face with God. We must admit that God has been patient with our nation for a long time. We can be thankful for His warning. We know now that time is running out. If you want America to be spared these judgments, then I urge you to do these things:
Specifically repent of:
1. All sins related to money.
2. All sins related to abortion.
3. All sins related to Christ's Church and truth.
NOTE: God will forgive any sinner when he sincerely repents and asks for forgiveness. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (I John 1:9).
2. CONFESS THE SINS OF THE NATION. Follow the example of Daniel.
1. Confess that "we have sinned, and have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly,
and have rebelled, even by departing from thy precepts and from thy judgments"
(Daniel 9:5).
2. Confess that we have not hearkened to God's ministers whom He sent to teach us
(Daniel 9:6).
3. Pray and plead for God's mercies.
4. Pray that God will deliver us from judgment.
5. UNITE IN SPIRITUAL WARFARE. "For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood --
contending only with physical opponents -- but against the despotisms, against the powers, against (the master spirits who are) the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere" (Ephesians 6:12, Amplified Bible).
6. There are ruler spirits which Satan has assigned over our nation to bring us to destruction. Their plan is to destroy our economy with greed, to destroy God's favor with abortion, and to destroy our spiritual liberties by compromise.
7. Jesus has given us power to bind Satan and his demon spirits (see Matthew 12:29; 16:19).
8. Bind specifically the following demonic powers assaulting our nation:
* Mammon (wealth personified), greed, covetousness, avarice, selfishness, material lust, lust for money and the idolatry of money.
* Abortion, murder, fornication, adultery, sexual lust and child sacrifice. (Child sacrifice is the spirit of Molech, the god to whom the Moabites and Ammonites burned their babies in demonic worship.)
* Liberal theology: denial and unbelief concerning the virgin birth, sinlessness, deity, blood atonement, and resurrection of Jesus; denial and unbelief concerning the inerrancy of Scripture; secular humanism; traditions of men; spiritual compromise and complacency. 4. SPEAK TO THESE DEMONIC PRINCIPALITIES IN THE AUTHORITY OF JESUS' NAME. Command them to be bound. "Wrestle" them in the power of the Holy Spirit. That is, put pressure on them by using the spiritual weapons of the name of Jesus, the blood of the Lamb, the word of testimony, the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) and praise. (See Mark 16:7; Revelation 12:11; Ephesians 6:17-18; Psalm 149).
"Yet even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the LORD, your God. For gracious and merciful is He, slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting in punishment. Perhaps He will again relent and leave behind Him a blessing, Offerings and libations for the LORD, your God.
"Blow a trumpet Zion! proclaim a fast, call an assembly; Gather the people, notify the congregation; Assemble the elders, gather the children and the infants at the breast; Let the bridegroom quit his room, and the bride her chamber. Between the porch and the altar let the priests, the ministers of the LORD weep, And say, 'Spare, O LORD, your people, and make not your heritage a reporach, with the nations ruling over them! Why should they say among the peoples, "Where is their God?"'" (Joel 2:12-17, NAB).
John Kilpatrick, Earthquake Vision (May 2008)
Pastor John Kilpatrick
May 2008
"An EARTHQUAKE VISION and DREAM of the NEW MADRID FAULT" Prophetic Vision and Dream John Kilpatrick was the pastor of the Brownsville revival in Pensacola. He has actually had two experiences that pointed to the possibility of something significant happening in the region related to the New Madrid fault. Naturally, it is not written from a fear-based perspective but from one of exercising wisdom and intercession in the event something is brewing in that region. I know Bob Jones saw something occurring along the same lines but had no perspective of the timing of it. Paul Keith Davis WhiteDove Ministries Email:
Pastor Kilpatrick wants to share with his partners and friends the following vision and dream he had in April and May 2008. He has never posted a vision or dream on the internet, but after talking with some close friends, intercessors, as well as those in prophetic ministry he has agreed to do so. His intentions are not to alarm the Church or the public, but to forewarn us to pray concerning what he has seen. At this time, we do not have the full revelation or meaning of this vision and dream, but know that the Lord is trying to warn us and prepare us for the days ahead. Please help us pray to the Lord concerning this matter.
Sunday, April 27, 2008 - Vision As I was approaching the Daphne Civic Center for Sunday morning service at Church of His Presence, I had a vision which lasted for about two or three seconds. In this vision, I saw the ground buckling before me. It was so real that I actually moved aside to avoid what I was seeing. I knew immediately that it was an earthquake, and the thought crossed my mind that the damages of this earthquake could have the potential to exceed those of Hurricane Katrina of 2005. Please understand that I am not saying that the Lord told me this. It merely crossed my mind.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - Dream I awoke trembling and shaking at 5:00 in the morning after having a startling dream. This was one of the three most profound dreams that I have ever had during the ministry the LORD has called me to. I feel that this dream is an addendum to the vision I had on April 27, 2008.
In this dream I saw the words "wind and water." I only saw the words but did not actually see any wind or water damage. I then found myself overlooking a river which instantly became so wide that I could no longer see either of its banks. The dream then shifted, and I was with one of my parishioners running through what appeared to be an old abandoned school house. This empty building began to shake. The shaking was so violent and severe that it was like the bucking of a wild horse tossing us around. My teeth were clapping so hard from the impact that I tried to clench them to prevent this from happening. In this dream I knew I was experiencing a massive earthquake. The sounds were so catastrophic that the thought crossed my mind that the devastation could likely exceed Hurricane Katrina of 2005. I did not see the devastation behind me; I only heard it. In all of my life I have never heard such catastrophic sounds. These were the scariest sounds I have ever heard. The dream then shifted once more and concluded with two names on what appeared to be an old Spanish map. One name read Indianola and the other Europa. When I awoke, I was shaking as if I had chills and a fever. I could not stop trembling. All through the day I felt as if I had just had the dream 10 minutes ago.
This dream so shook me that my wife and I immediately went to the internet to do some research. I also contacted some close friends in the ministry and reliable intercessors concerning this dream. What we found was startling. There are towns called Indianola, IL; Europa, MO; and Indianola, MS. These towns run in a line from North to South with Europa, MO being near the middle of them. The Mississippi River runs between them with Europa, MO being by the epicenter of the New Madrid fault. After seeing this, I believe the dream could be concerning a devastating earthquake on the New Madrid fault. Many reputable friends in ministry have felt that this dream was not to be interpreted as a spiritual dream because they felt that it has literal implications. Even now the intensity of this dream is the same.
I do not want to come across as an alarmist concerning what I saw. I also don't want to put fear in the public or the Body of Christ. However, I cannot help but feel that God gave me this as warning to prepare us for the days ahead and to pray concerning this matter. Please know that I did not see any timeframe as to when this may happen. Please pray with me concerning this vision and dream.
If you have any comments, you can send them to John Kilpatrick Church of His Presence
About John Kilpatrick: John Kilpatrick pastored Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, FL for 22 years. During his tenure there, he had the privilege of pastoring the Brownsville Revival which began on Father's Day of 1995. Currently, he is the founder and senior pastor of Church of His Presence in Daphne, AL and president of John Kilpatrick Ministries. In addition to pastoring, he continues to preach across the nation and fulfill his apostolic call to mentor and pastor other ministers.
May 2008
"An EARTHQUAKE VISION and DREAM of the NEW MADRID FAULT" Prophetic Vision and Dream John Kilpatrick was the pastor of the Brownsville revival in Pensacola. He has actually had two experiences that pointed to the possibility of something significant happening in the region related to the New Madrid fault. Naturally, it is not written from a fear-based perspective but from one of exercising wisdom and intercession in the event something is brewing in that region. I know Bob Jones saw something occurring along the same lines but had no perspective of the timing of it. Paul Keith Davis WhiteDove Ministries Email:
Pastor Kilpatrick wants to share with his partners and friends the following vision and dream he had in April and May 2008. He has never posted a vision or dream on the internet, but after talking with some close friends, intercessors, as well as those in prophetic ministry he has agreed to do so. His intentions are not to alarm the Church or the public, but to forewarn us to pray concerning what he has seen. At this time, we do not have the full revelation or meaning of this vision and dream, but know that the Lord is trying to warn us and prepare us for the days ahead. Please help us pray to the Lord concerning this matter.
Sunday, April 27, 2008 - Vision As I was approaching the Daphne Civic Center for Sunday morning service at Church of His Presence, I had a vision which lasted for about two or three seconds. In this vision, I saw the ground buckling before me. It was so real that I actually moved aside to avoid what I was seeing. I knew immediately that it was an earthquake, and the thought crossed my mind that the damages of this earthquake could have the potential to exceed those of Hurricane Katrina of 2005. Please understand that I am not saying that the Lord told me this. It merely crossed my mind.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - Dream I awoke trembling and shaking at 5:00 in the morning after having a startling dream. This was one of the three most profound dreams that I have ever had during the ministry the LORD has called me to. I feel that this dream is an addendum to the vision I had on April 27, 2008.
In this dream I saw the words "wind and water." I only saw the words but did not actually see any wind or water damage. I then found myself overlooking a river which instantly became so wide that I could no longer see either of its banks. The dream then shifted, and I was with one of my parishioners running through what appeared to be an old abandoned school house. This empty building began to shake. The shaking was so violent and severe that it was like the bucking of a wild horse tossing us around. My teeth were clapping so hard from the impact that I tried to clench them to prevent this from happening. In this dream I knew I was experiencing a massive earthquake. The sounds were so catastrophic that the thought crossed my mind that the devastation could likely exceed Hurricane Katrina of 2005. I did not see the devastation behind me; I only heard it. In all of my life I have never heard such catastrophic sounds. These were the scariest sounds I have ever heard. The dream then shifted once more and concluded with two names on what appeared to be an old Spanish map. One name read Indianola and the other Europa. When I awoke, I was shaking as if I had chills and a fever. I could not stop trembling. All through the day I felt as if I had just had the dream 10 minutes ago.
This dream so shook me that my wife and I immediately went to the internet to do some research. I also contacted some close friends in the ministry and reliable intercessors concerning this dream. What we found was startling. There are towns called Indianola, IL; Europa, MO; and Indianola, MS. These towns run in a line from North to South with Europa, MO being near the middle of them. The Mississippi River runs between them with Europa, MO being by the epicenter of the New Madrid fault. After seeing this, I believe the dream could be concerning a devastating earthquake on the New Madrid fault. Many reputable friends in ministry have felt that this dream was not to be interpreted as a spiritual dream because they felt that it has literal implications. Even now the intensity of this dream is the same.
I do not want to come across as an alarmist concerning what I saw. I also don't want to put fear in the public or the Body of Christ. However, I cannot help but feel that God gave me this as warning to prepare us for the days ahead and to pray concerning this matter. Please know that I did not see any timeframe as to when this may happen. Please pray with me concerning this vision and dream.
If you have any comments, you can send them to John Kilpatrick Church of His Presence
About John Kilpatrick: John Kilpatrick pastored Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, FL for 22 years. During his tenure there, he had the privilege of pastoring the Brownsville Revival which began on Father's Day of 1995. Currently, he is the founder and senior pastor of Church of His Presence in Daphne, AL and president of John Kilpatrick Ministries. In addition to pastoring, he continues to preach across the nation and fulfill his apostolic call to mentor and pastor other ministers.
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