Duluth Prayer Walk Report
Kristin & Dan Walch
Arrowhead Region Coordinators,
Minnesota Apostolic Prayer Network
This is an update about our Journey to prayer walk every street in the City of Duluth.
Many of you have prayed and interceded for us during this journey and we want to express our deepest thanks and gratitude! We have now walked a total of about 520 miles of streets over about 2 ½ years time. We finished with the last section on Thursday April 21, 2011. And as we finished it was clear that God had been keeping us in HIS timing all along. We had planned on finishing earlier, but weather and other factors kept us from it. Then we realized that we would be finishing right during the middle of 2011 PASSOVER – a time when God historically showed His Glory and Power. We sensed that it was significant and God was saying that Duluth (we feel it extends to a broader region) is escaping out of the old “Captivity”. By the blood of the Lamb we are passing our from under death into a new season and a New Promised Destiny for this territory! We believe we are truly starting to see Breakthrough!
When God asks you to do something like prayer walk over 500 miles of City Streets, you may wonder - Why? But we knew it was not our place to question it – only to obey. All we have to do is look at the old Testament prophets like Jeremiah and Ezekiel to see the strange things God sometimes asks His people to do. Or just ask John HalvorsenJ In the doing, we saw God do some amazing things along the way. We experienced some supernatural signs that only could be God, and were encouraged as we literally stormed the gates of Hell to war for this City and territory. And we know that God is moving mightily here. And as in most things God asks us to do, we “grew” also in the process ourselves. We continue to believe that God is raising up the Twin Ports Territory for mighty things in days ahead. We have been declaring over it (as God gave us the prophetic words) that it “IS a Holy and Righteous Gateway to the World”.
There is so much more that we could talk about, but maybe some time in the future will have opportunity to share more. We have known from the beginning that when we were done walking the streets of Duluth, that God wanted us to walk around the entire perimeter (We figure about 70 miles total) to seal and declare that this is HIS territory. It is His plan – not just something that sounded good to us. We have sensed also that that was to be something that others would join with us in doing – as a sign of unity that the body of Christ in this area is committed to transforming this territory for the Kingdom of God. All moves of revival are preceded by prayer and warfare. If we don’t kick the enemy out of a territory first, then true revival may not be able to take root! Please be in prayer about the timing for this and about joining with us, even if you are not from Duluth. Let us know if this is something you and/or your church would be interested in being a part of. We believe God is looking for a unified Body of Christ to make a stand together to accomplish what HE wants for this territory.
Blessings to you all,
Dan and Kristin Walch